Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sign the petition urging the Attorney General to free the Move 9

In recent years, numerous instances of racial profiling, civil rights violations and use of excessive police force have been investigated. The case of the Move 9 is widely acknowledged as a racially charged incident. Despite substantial evidence of their innocence and the lengthy time served, they remain incarcerated. For this reason, many are calling on the U.S. Attorney General to open a rigorous investigation into this case, and advocating for their release on parole.

Read the full text and sign the petition, where you can also share it on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Special Thank You / End Of The Year Wrap Up

Ona Move

As 2016 Comes to a close i wanted to take the time  to acknowledge and thank all of our friends, family, and supporters who contributed to The Justice And Accountability Campaign in 2016.   First I have to start by thanking four very important people who have been with this campaign since the very beginning Ramona, Illy , Odette , And Ann this campaign would not have reached the heights it has without the insight and help of the four of you your time, help, and insight is and always be greatly appreciated .  We started 2016 with a bang as we pushed the parole hearings for Eddie Africa and The Move 9 Sisters we opened with Move 9 media month in janurary and would like to thank all of our friends that hosted us on their shows such friends as our people on George Jackson Radio , Pops Movement Radio, G Town Radio, Sister Verbana ,Sister Maletia Ward  Sister Phile Chinsolue , Sister Sally O' Brian , Brother Bursts  Scotty Reid And Black Talk Radio , Wanda Sabir , And so Many others for giving us time on your radio shows and aiding in the fight to help free The Move 9 .

On Feburary 12th 2016 we hosted an Historic event in New York entitled an Evening Of Solidarity For Parole for MOVE Political Prisoners and ohhh boy was this a big event as the entire tri state area as it seems came out to support parole for our family .  Such Great Activists like Lynn Stewart , Zayid Muhammed , Jasiri x , Laura WhiteHorn , James McIntosh  , Iman Talib Abdur Rashid, Elsie Law, and so many others made the demand parole for The Move 9. We would like to thank everyone who participated and signed the endorser letter endorsing parole for our sisters .  I would like to thank Brother Zayid Muhammed who wrote a letter of parole support for our sisters on behalf of the Malcolm x Commeration Commitee . I would like to thank The People's Organization For  Progress In Newark New Jersey For their letter of support .  I would like to take the time to thank all of our friends from The Anarchist Black Cross Federation Chapters both nationally and internationally you brothers and sisters are the best in comrades and I really mean that .

I could never forget our good friends from the Jericho Movement both national and local for always keeping our families case out there and helping out in which ever way you can not just for our family but for all political prisoners . We can't forget our good friends from both the campaign to bring Mumia hone and the NYC coalition to free Mumia Abu Jamal thank you guys for everything we do we love y'all . I am sending a special thank you to our good friends from workers world party/International Action Center  for always printing our information in your papers and always opening your doors to us and just being there when needed.  We cannot forget all of our friends who have always been there to help in whatever way. Freda Willis , Alina Dollat , Clarissa Rogers , Patrice Armstead , Gabe , Shaseena, Sheena , Cindy Lou , Erica, Rufus , Mattie , Scott Ted , The Philly Crew . A special thank you to Joe and Betsy Piette and The Philly Coalition For Real Justice .

I wanted to take the time to shout out Students For Justice In Palestine for The contributions you have made in both philly and NYC and nationally in the efforts to help free The Move 9 . You brothers and sisters are the future . Shout out to sister Sophia Dawson and the beautiful artwork you have done for both The Move 9 and all Political Prisoners . Shoutout to Suzanne Ross , Paulette Dauteil , Daniel McGowan , Johanna Fernandez , Gwen Debrow Keith Robinson and Mumia Abu Jamal Thank You to all the people who wrote letters and made phone calls to both the parole board and governor's office your contributions are greatly appreciated and The Move 9 appreciates it . Shout out to Kamua Bectemba and Sandy Jones . Shout out to the Shoats family and shandre Delaney we can't forget noelle from prison radio neither .

Even  after a successful  worldwide campaign advocating parole for Eddie  and our sisters they were all still denied parole each given a two year hit . This by no means is a lost this has just even pushed the cause of our fight against the parole board even further and has even gained more support for our family .  We appreciate all the hard work of our brother Johnnie Stevens and all the contributions he has always made to help us and we wanted to give him a special thank you along with brother Donnie and Sister Tsihow who helped with the live stream for Feburary 12th . We can never forget our international Crew in France And Abroad . We Say Thank you to Sister Espy  Brother Benjamin . I'm sending a special thank you to our wonderful web administrator as well .  This Fight is Far From Over as Delbert , Eddie, Janet , Janine, and Debbie will all be going back before the parole board in 2018 . We are still awaiting word on the August 2016 parole appeal hearing for Mike Africa still no word yet on the status . This Parole issue has just not affected our family but is affecting Jalil , Seth , Herman, Sundiata and so many others  the time to take a stand is now . We are still urging people to sign the petition aimed at United States attorney General Loretta Lynch Demanding The Us Justice Department to investigate the wrongful and ongoing imprisonment Of The Move  9 . People can sign the petition at

So Closing this out I couldn't mention everyone but your efforts and contributions in this fight is greatly appreciated for 2017 this fight will intensify even more much love and revolutionary solidarity to everyone



Sunday, October 30, 2016

To My Sister's

On The Move

Hi Janet, Neen, Debbie, and Merle How's my sister's doing , strong right , I'm still sitting here looking at a picture of y'all from muncy with Swella , Ria, Bert , and Mona in it Damm my sisters are beautiful , inside and out . I got to thinking of some of the fun we had playing jokes on each other and the car wash we had , I love y'all and miss y'all a whole lot , but I know the bond of love and family still keeps us connected ! LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA ain't this something , we been so called separated , for 38 years but we are closer now than when these system people put us in these jails ,we still United, still giving and sharing love and family , we've grown strong together, helping each other to keep their eyes and minds on what's important , life , health , revolution that creates, togetherness , builds harmony , bonds us all together , in MOVE , and those not in MOVE as we are all connected thru the bond of life created by MOMMA , GOD THE CREATOR! LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA . I want y'all to never forget , you are loved , you are missed and will always have family to turn to hear me , I love you Debbie , I love you Merle , I love you Janet, I love you Neen , I love my family and always will , take care of each other hear , hold on to each other , care for each other , this is what family is all about ! On The Move Y'all , We will see each other !

On The Move


Eddie Africa

Friday, October 21, 2016

New Article By The Move 9

The Move 9 Have been eligible for Parole since August 2008, After being in prison for 30 years . We have repeatedly been denied  . In June  of this year (2016) , we were denied parole again , for a total of ten years past the time we should have been released . One of the reasons the parole board gave to justify not releasing us is that we are a threat to the safety of the community . This is not true . People are not afraid of Move People . Move People ain't strangling people to death , shooting people in the back . It ain't MOVE that killed a man in front of his fiancé and four year old child . MOVE is not drive by shooting , or terrorizing folks in the community. It's the community who is faxing , emailing , and calling the parole board asking for our release on parole .

It is The Parole Board And D.A. John Straub who continue to deny our release for no valid reason . On August 8th 1978, hundreds of cops attacked our home at 3:00am in the morning trying to kill us , They couldn't kill us that day , so they are trying to finish the job in these prisons but understand -John Straub and The Parole Board are not justified . MOVE did not go out to The Police's house to do them harm . The Cops came to our house , because a judge sent them to our house to serve bench warrants for not appearing in court not for rape , murder, kidnapping,or abuse but for not appearing in court for a civil matter.Understand this , hundreds of cops were sent to our home , while we were asleep , dressed in swat gear , armed with all type of weaponry , semi -automatic weapons, fire fighters , , smoke bombs , tear gas , a deluge gun, a crane and a bulldozer to serve bench warrants , for a housing code violation .

It was The Police who came to MOVE'S premise . They came armed to the teeth and in their frenzy to kill MOVE , they killed one of their own, and condemned us for it . We are not making this up . The evidence is clear . The whole world witnessed the attack on the MOVE house May 13th 1985 , where the house was bombed into a blazing inferno, the 6 adults were shot and killed  and the 5 children were shot back into the house by police as they tried to escape the burning flames where they died . These are proven Facts . During the cities investigation hearing , It was ruled that the cops used excessive force and the killings were wrongful deaths . Those children were our children in that house that day , yet not one cop or official connected to the bombing of our family were held accountable , responsible for these deaths like the parole board is telling The Move 9 we have to take responsibility for a crime when The District Attorney never proved MOVE had killed a police officer .

We have no weapons charges and the judge admitted on public radio to the caller,Mumia Abu Jamal ,that he didn't have the faintest idea who shot the police officer . It's a fact that world renowned forensic experts Dr Ali Hameli and Claus Speth ruled the deathsof the children HOMICIDES in a scathing report against the city , submitted to the assistant District Attorney Joan  Weimer and the grand jury did nothing . The Move 9 have spent almost 40 years in prison for killing a cop , with no real proof . The whole world saw the Philadelphia police murder our children , and family , and they have not spent a day in prison for it but what is the difference in these lives ? Does a MOVE child not bleed , when they are shot ? Does a MOVE parent not feel pain when their baby is killed , just because they are not cops or officials . Does the murder of a MOVE child , pain of MOVE parent , heartache of a black person's suffering still fall on death ears like the slaves who cried out when their babies , women,and men were sold , killed, whipped by slave owners . Ask yourself . Things May seem to have changed since those awful days , but the mentality is still very much existing . Just look around , and listen . Black lives (Don't ) Matter . That's why these cops are getting away with killing Black Men ,Women, and Children. That's why The Move 9 are still in prison almost 40 years for killing a cop , and the cops responsible for killing 11 MOVE people , 5 of them children , are walking around like they are clean and without guilt . It's the mentality that makes them feel nothing after killing people . Because to them MOVE lives (Don't ) matter . It's time for everybody to start speaking freely in protest of all this free wheeling injustice . People must understand this necessity of speaking out now . 

We are asking for people to sign The Petition we have aimed at United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch demanding that The United States Justice Dept open up an investigation into the ongoing and wrongful imprisonment of The Move 9 .People can sign the petition at Https:// Speak out with the understanding that when speaking of MOVE , you are speaking up for yourself . It can't get better for MOVE without getting better for you 

Looking Forward To The May 2017 MOVE Conference In Philadelphia 

Ona Move 

The Move 9 

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9
Justice For The Move 9/Facebook 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Twitter Storm On August 8th 2016 Demand The Justice Dept Take Action

Ona Move

August 8th  2016  will officially mark 38 years since innocent MOVE Members have been unjustly jailed in Pennsylvania state prisons . The Position Of THE  MOVE ORGANIZATION and SUPPORTERS of MOVE has not changed and that position is our family is innocent and we want them home and will not stop fighting until they are home . In 1998 Our  Sister  Merle Africa died in prison under mysterious circumstances . In 2015 Our Brother Phil Africa  died in prison under mysterious circumstances . From the period of 2008 to as recent as June of 2016 all of our people have been denied parole on what seems to be a questionable bias issue .

In May of 2015 Supporters Of The Move 9 put together a petition aimed at United States Attorney General  Loretta Lynch demanding an investigation into the wrongful ongoing imprisonment of The Move 9 .  There are many key figures that can cite an investigation into this case by The US Justice Dept

(1) The Destruction Of The Move House by Police On August 8th 1978 .
The House was the scene of The Crime

(2) The Beating Of Delbert Africa By Philadelphia Police on August 8th 1978
Delbert was visibly unarmed when he was beaten by police therefore his civil rights
Were violated .

(3) No Move Members were charged with weapons charges after their arrest

(4) After Sentencing Move Members To 30-100 years in prison the trial judge the late Edwin S.Malmed admitted on public radio that he had the faintest idea who killed officer James Ramp .

He in fact stated that he was sentencing Move Members to prison time for no other reason than being committed MOVE Members .

We are calling on everyone who is on twitter to participate in our twitter storm on August 8th 2016 as we garner more signatures for The Justice Dept Petition . Here is the link for The Petition for people to sign on . This link can also be shared as well so let's make this the last anniversary of The imprisonment Of The Move 9 . On August 8th 2016 follow the hashtag Free The  Move 9 .

Ona Move

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Debbie Africa Denied Parole

As expected this past week The Pennsylvania Parole Board denied parole for our Sister Debbie Africa  and gave her a two year hit .  A week and a half ago The Pennsylvania Parole Board as well denied parole for both Janet and Janine Africa giving them both a two year hit as well . The recent parole denials are nothing more than yet another pathetic attempt by this Government to try and break our sisters . This attempt by this Government has not and will not Break our Sisters because they are Strong , Secure, and Committed Revolutionary Women thanks to JOHN AFRICA The FOUNDER and COORDINATOR  Of THE MOVE ORGANIZATION . 

Our sisters are remaining strong and have not given up in their fight for REVOLUTION  and this is an encouraging example for us all to keep fighting . By no means are these recent denials a defeat for us but this gives us more fuel, more fire, to keep exposing this issue with The Pa Parole Board And The Fraternal Order Of Police . This fight is far from over as we now prepare for The August 2016 parole hearing for our Brother Michael Africa and The now 2018 parole hearings for Delbert , Eddie , Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa . So as was stated earlier this fight is FAR FROM OVER and we are not letting up not one bit and we will continue to work to bring our family home .

We will soon post  our next course of action as it relates to the illegal parole denials of The Move 9 . In the meantime we continue to urge people to sign and share the official petition we have aimed at The United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch urging an investigation into The Wrongful and Ongoing Imprisonment of The move 9 . People can sign by going to the link
Also This August 8th 2016 on the 38 Anniversary of The arrest of The Move 9 we will be putting together a twitter storm to obtain our goal of 25,000 signatures for The Us Justice Department petition for an investigation into the wrongful imprisonment issue . 

In the meantime we urge people to stay strong and keep fighting 

Ona Move 


For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9 Paroleblogspot .com
Justice For The Move 9 / Facebook 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Janet and Janine Africa Denied Parole Take Action This Tuesday 6/7/16

We received word late last night from our sister Janet Africa that her self and Janine Africa were both denied parole and given a two year hit . We do not have all of the specifics into why they were denied parole as that will be released in the next couple of days but in the meantime we will continue with our course of action . As we made it clear in January officials will no longer be allowed to get away with this as the pressure over the issue of parole has picked up . we are urging people to take action this Tuesday June 7th as we will continue to keep the pressure on Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf the same man who said that much needed changes are needed with the Pennsylvania parole board and we will now focus our attention to The Attorney General Of Pennsylvania Kathleen Kane as we are now calling for a criminal investigation into the illegal actions of The Pennsylvania Parole Board and their questionable working relationship with The Fraternal Order Of Police .

From 9:00am to 12:00 Noon 
Call , Fax, Email , or Tweet  Pa Governor Tom Wolf at 
(P) (717) 787-2500
(F) (717) 772-8284
(Email) (contact page) 
Twitter  @ Governor Tom Wolf 

Reach out to Governor and inquire into why Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 and Janine (Phillips ) Africa 006309 were both denied parole and why has he allowed these continued illegal denials to continue when he oversees and has responsibility over the same parole board in which he himself has called for reform over .

From 1:00pm to 4:00pm 
Call or tweet the office Of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane 
(P) (717) 787-3391
Twitter @Pa Attorney General 

Reach out to her office and inquire why from a period of 2008 thru 2016 have former police officers and former law enforcement officials been allowed to review a case that revolves around the murder of a police officer and how can an outside organization like The Fraternal Order Of Police have a say so over the parole review of Move Political Prisoners .
We are demanding a complete criminal investigation into the illegal parole denials of The Move 9 Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 William (Phillips) Africa am4984 (now deceased) Delbert (Orr) Africa am4985 Edward (Goodman) Africa am4974 Michael (Davis) Africa am4973 From  2008 to the present   .

We have yet to receive word on a decision for Debbie Africa but we expect the same outcome as well As we continue our fight against The Pa Parole Board we we are still pushing for The United States Justice Department to investigate the unjust and ongoing imprisonment of The Move 9 . To Sign The Petition people can go to 

This System is under a tremendous amount of pressure over this issue and we are not going to let up this is a fight that we are determined to win and will win by no means is this recent parole denials of our two sisters a setback . It's giving us more energy and fire to keep fighting The Parole Board and Fraternal Order Of Police .

Ona Move 

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9 Paroleblogspot .com

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This Thursday May 26th 2016

It is expected that during the month of June 2016 The Pennsylvania Parole Board  will release a decision in regards to whether The Move 9 Sisters will be granted or denied parole . Really this Government has already made the decision in regards to parole for our sisters and they are now stalling to release the decision due to the pressure they have on them in regards to the unjust and continuing imprisonment of MOVE Political Prisoners . We have to keep the Pressure on The Pa Parole Board And Pa Governor Tom Wolf  over this issue of our family being illegally denied parole . We are calling on all people interested   In freedom and justice to stand in solidarity in demanding parole for The Move 9 Sisters this Thursday May 26th 2016 .

From 9:00 am  to 12 Noon  Call , Tweet , Fax , and Email The Office Of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf 

(P) (717) 787-2500 
(F) (717) 772-8284
(Email) page) 
Twitter @ Governor Tom Wolf 

From 1:00pm To 5:00pm  Call or email The Pa Parole Board 

(P) (717) 772-4343 

The Demand is clear and has not changed we want the immediate parole of Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 , Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 , and Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 .

This is a matter that we are not backing down from and will continue to make an issue of this and to keep the pressure on the Parole Board and Governor . Our sisters were never even charged with weapons charges when convicted in 1980. All three of our sisters were given the recommendation of their institution on various occasions at least 99 Percent of the time when an inmate is recommended for parole by the institution they are in they are paroled by the board but not when it comes to our sisters and brothers of The Move 9. 

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability  Campaign 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Specia Thank You From The Move 9 Sisters

As we await word on the status of the recent parole hearings for our sisters we just wanted to send everyone a thank you letter that our sisters wrote for everyone  we will keep everyone posted on our next plan of action  - Orie

We want to let all of our supporters know that we appreciate the work y'all are doing is being felt , having an impact  and putting pressure on this system to do right by MOVE. During our recent parole hearing , the board members commented on the letters , the calls, and emails they got from here and around the world in support of MOVE. Your calls and emails to the parole board and governors office on the day of our hearing shut their communications system down LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA !  It's motivating and encouraging having y'all in our corner . We will stay strong despite the parole board , despite this system . They will never stop THE MOVE ORGANIZATION .

On The Move 

Debbie, Janet , And Janine  Africa


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Update On The May 12th 2016 Parole Hearings For The Move 9 Sisters

Ona Move
This was a short note that Debbie sent me today via email we will keep people updated in the next couple of days for our next course of action
Ona Move
Went to parole hearing, all 3 of us. It went good, as far as we're concerned. between the three of us, we got to talk, put out a lot of MOVE Belief from what started May 20th that lead to Aug. 8. To what our belief is about, to how MOVE DONT, DONT HATE COPS. In fact a lot of cops were very supportive of MOVE during the May 20 confrontation, would listen to Move people talk about our plight, for hours and understood Move... The interviewees were Ms. Lebenne in person, and Mr. McCray, on the TV screen,who were very unantagonistic. That aint no word, I don't think but, you get my meaning. They were not antagonistic at all, which made it easier to deal with all the way around, especially with tomorrow being May13. We all felt satisfied that we did good. LLJA
Ona Move Debbie Africa

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Move 9 Sisters Will See The Parole Board This Thursday May 12th 2016

We Just Received word tonight that Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa will be seen by The Pennsylvania Parole Board this Thursday May 12th 2016 . As usual The Pa Parole are trying to give yet another quick and short notice for these parole hearings as they have done in the past with Debbie , Delbert and Eddie Africa . This is done as a result of the pressure they are under over this issue and THEY KNOW THE EYES OF PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE WATCHING . We already know they have been given their orders by The Fraternal Order Of Police but we as the people have our own job to do and that's to BRING OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS HOME TO THERE FAMILIES .
Also we want to point out yet another example of The Mental Games of the parole board as they have decided to give ours sisters their long awaited hearing the day before The 31st Anniversary Of The May 13th 1985 BOMBING AND MURDER OF ELEVEN MOVE MEMBERS SIX ADULTS AND FIVE CHILDREN . Two of The Children in that house on May 13th 1985 were The Children of Janet and Janine Africa . The Pennsylvania Parole Board has shown another level of callousness and how low they truly are . This is just another tactic by this system to try and hurt our Family but thanks to THE TEACHINGS OF THE FOUNDER AND COORDINATOR OF THE MOVE ORGANIZATION JOHN AFRICA OUR SISTERS JUST LIKE OTHER MOVE PEOPLE ARE STRONG AND WILL NOT BE SWAYED BY THIS TACTIC LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER !!!!!.
We are asking people to stand in solidarity with our sisters this Thursday May 12th 2016 .
From 9:00am to 1:00pm
Call Or Email The Pa Parole Board At
(717) 772-4343 or Email
Then From 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Call , Fax ,Tweet, and Email Pa Governor Tom Wolf
(P) (717) 772-2509
(F) (717) 772-8284
Twitter @Governor Tom Wolf
The Demand is parole For the Move 9 sisters
Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307
Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308
Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309
If People are on Facebook we are asking people to change their profile pic of this picture with the women to show solidarity with their hearing this Thursday . The Pba and The Fop have lobbied for years against parole for political prisoners now this Thursday May 12th will be the peoples turn to lobby in support of parole for our political Prisoners . We have also received word that our Brother Michael Africa had appealed his 2014 parole denial in which he was given a five year hit . Michael has won his appeal and will appear before the parole board in August 2016 instead of December 2019 . So we still have some serious work to do to bring our family home immediately .
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign

People's Organization For Progress Supports Parole For The Move 9 Sisters

May 10, 2016
Board of Probation and Parole
Attn: Inmate Inquiry
Re:Parole Bids for Debbie Africa (006307),
Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Africa (006309)
Dear Members of the Parole Board,
The People’s Organization for Progress, a social justice organization in New Jersey, respectfully wishes to implore you to grant the women of MOVE parole for both humanitarian reasons and in the interests of justice.
Debbie Africa (006307), Janine Africa (006309) and Janet Holloway Africa (006308) have been in prison since 1978, or 38 years each.
They have been model prisoners. They pose no threat to society. For these and other reasons, especially to need to move past the heavily biased circumstances that landed them in prison in the first place, it is our expressed view that these women should be paroled and allowed to return to their families.
Lawrence Hamm,

The Malcolm X Commemoration Commitee Supports Parole For The Move 9 Sisters

“We have a common oppressor, a common exploiter, and a common discriminator…Once we all realize that we have a common enemy, 
then we unite, on the basis of what we have in common…"
Malcolm X—Message to the Grass Roots
May 10th, 2016
Board of Probation and Parole
Attn: Inmate Inquiry
Re:Parole Bids for Debbie Africa (006307),
Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Africa (006309)
The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, an International NY based Human Rights Project, wishes to join the chorus of humanitarian voices from around the world imploring the release of the MOVE women, Janet Holloway Africa (006308), Janine Africa (006309) and Debbie Africa (006307), on parole at the prescribed time.
We believe that these women, who have been model prisoners and who have each served 38 years, should be released for humanitarian reasons and in the interests of justice.
It is clear that these women could not have killed Officer Rapp on that fateful day in 1978. His death was tragedy that appears to have more a consequence of an accident, or of what would now be called ‘friendly fire.’ To have these women and the other MOVE prisoners to continue to languish in prison is to clearly and wrongheadedly bind us all to the polarizing biased environment that triggered that incident and others like it both before and after that fateful day. We say that the time for healing, tolerance and reconciliation is now.
For these reasons, and in the interests of justice, we implore you to grant them their release upon parole now…
Zayid Muhammad, MXCC press officer
Cc: Dequi Kioni Sadiki, chair

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Move Sisters Will See The Parole Board This Thursday May 12th 2016

 We Just Received word tonight that Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa  will be seen by The    Pennsylvania Parole Board this Thursday May 12th 2016 . As usual The Pa Parole are trying to give yet another quick and short notice for these parole hearings as they have done in the past with Debbie , Delbert  and Eddie Africa . This is done as a result of the pressure they are under over this issue and THEY KNOW THE EYES OF PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE WATCHING . We already know they have been given their orders by The Fraternal Order Of Police but we as the people have our own job to do and that's to BRING OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS HOME TO THERE FAMILIES .

Also we want to point out yet  another example of The Mental Games of the parole board as they have decided to give ours sisters their long awaited hearing the day before The 31st Anniversary  Of The May 13th 1985 BOMBING AND MURDER OF ELEVEN MOVE MEMBERS SIX ADULTS AND FIVE CHILDREN . Two of The Children in that house on May 13th 1985 were The Children of Janet and Janine Africa . The Pennsylvania Parole Board has shown  another level of callousness and how low they truly are . This is just another tactic by this system to try and hurt our Family but thanks to THE TEACHINGS OF THE FOUNDER AND COORDINATOR OF THE MOVE ORGANIZATION JOHN AFRICA OUR SISTERS JUST LIKE OTHER MOVE PEOPLE ARE STRONG AND WILL NOT BE SWAYED BY THIS TACTIC LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER !!!!!.

We are asking people to stand in solidarity with our sisters this Thursday May 12th 2016 .

From 9:00am to 1:00pm  
Call Or  Email The Pa Parole Board At 
(717) 772-4343 or Email

Then From 2:00pm to 5:00pm 
Call , Fax ,Tweet, and Email Pa Governor Tom Wolf 
(P) (717) 772-2509 
(F) (717) 772-8284 
Twitter @Governor Tom Wolf 

The Demand is parole For the Move 9 sisters 
Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 
Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308
Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 

If People are on Facebook we are asking people to change their profile pic of this picture with the women to show solidarity with their hearing this Thursday . The Pba and The Fop have lobbied for years against parole for political prisoners now this Thursday May 12th will be the peoples turn to lobby in support of parole for our political Prisoners . We have also received word that our Brother Michael Africa had appealed his 2014 parole denial in which he was given a five year hit . Michael has won his appeal and will appear before the parole board in August 2016 instead of December 2019 . So we still have some serious work to do to bring our family home immediately .

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign 

For More Info 

Justice For The Move 9/Facebook 

Move 9 Paroleblogspot .com

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa In Solidarity With The Palestinian Struggle

Even though we have been in prison for over 37 years, we have never and will never give up the fight for freedom. Our fight is your fight because we want all of life to be free from the restricting confines of this system that causes so much pain and suffering.

We feel the tide is turning in the right direction every time we see groups of people working together for the common good of all living beings.

The power is in the people and the people have to realize this and use this power to free life, protect life. Life is the force that keep us alive.

Stay strong and we’re doing the same.
Ona Move
Janet, Janine and Debbie Africa - for all the MOVE prisoners


From a series of solidarity statements from US Political Prisoners to the people of Palestine

published in a collection of letters brought to Palestine by a recent prison & labor solidarity delegation. Our colleagues at Birzeit University's Institute for Women's Studies translated the letters into Arabic.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Move 9 Solidarity Week May 2nd -May 6th 2016

During The Month of May 2016 our sisters Janet , Janine, And Debbie Africa are scheduled     to go before The Pa Parole Board . Although an exact date has not been set yet for May and the possibility of The Parole Board Delaying the hearing due to public pressure exists as in the three month delay of Eddie Africa a couple of months ago we will continue to up the anty in our fight to bring our sisters home .  Originally Monday May 2nd was supposed to be a day of action in which we email and call the parole board but instead of Move 9 Monday's May 2nd through May 6th 2016 will now be Move 9 Solidarity week .

We are asking people to call or email The Pennsylvania Parole Board this coming week and make the demand for Parole For The Move 9 Sisters 

Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 
Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307
Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 

People can Call Or Email The Parole Board At 
(717) 772-4343  or

Our Sisters in the past and now present have been given the recommendation for parole by the correctional institution they are in . They have all have employment and housing set up for them upon their parole and the support of the community local and abroad upon their parole . Despite All of this The Pa Parole Board under The Orders Of The Fraternal Order Of Police have voted against Parole in the past for our Sisters and Brothers . So from May 2nd through May 6th let's turn up the pressure on The Pennsylvania Parole Board . Also at this crucial time we are asking people to sign The Justice Department Petition for The Move 9 people can go to

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9
Justice For The Move 9 Facebook 

Listing Of Endorsers Who Support Parole For The Move 9 Sisters 

The Nation Of Islam 
National Jericho Movement 
Burning Books Bookstore (Buffalo Ny) 
Philly Coalition For Real Justice 
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network 
NYC Friends Of Move 
Phoenix Friends Of Move 
Campaign To Bring Mumia Home 
New York Coalition To Free Mumia Abu Jamal 
Justice For The Dallas 6 Support Campaign 
California Coalition For Women's Prisoners .
Nickel City Housing Cooperative (Buffalo NY)
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (Philadelphia) 
Human Rights Coalition Fed Up 
Black Radical Organizing Committee 
Denver Anarchist Black Cross Federation
South Brooklyn Anarchist Black Cross Federation 
New York Anarchist Black Cross Federation 
Foundation Radio 
People's Action For Rights And Community 
Deborah Fay 
Pamela Fadem 
Quinon Brooker
Ingrid Hill (People's Organization For Progress) 
Ann Lamb (NYC Jericho) 
Kiilu Nyasha 
Melina Abdullah (Black Lives Matter) 
Cory Mac A' Ghobhain (Progress In Science)
Sababa Akil 
Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine)
Claude Marks (Freedom Archives)
Judith Ackerman 
Abdul Haqq Islam 
Marilyn Kai Jewett
Rust Gilbert (bklyn ny)
Sophia Dawson 
Mmoja Ajabu 
Erica Mines 
Iz balatto (Guerilla Republik) 
Joan Gibbs Esq (Bklyn ny) 
Women in support of the million woman march incorporated 
Veterans legal foundation 
NYC Leonard peltier Support Campaign 
Cynthia McKinney 
Melvin Dill
Prison Radio 
Anti Racist Action La 
Dr. Suzanne W. Ross 
Michael Novick (National Board Of Pacifica) 
Milton Allimadi (Blackstar News) 
Dorsey Nunn (Prisoners With Children) 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Parole Endorser Letter For The Move 9 Sisters

Ona Move Everyone ! 

We are sending to everyone a copy of The Parole Endorsement Letter For The Move 9 Sisters that we are sending to The New Chairman of The Pa Parole . We also wanted to take the time to thank everyone that took the time to sign on and endorse parole for our sisters .

Pennsylvania Board Of Probation And Parole

Chairman Leo L.Dunn 

This Letter is being sent to you from individuals and organizations who have a collective interest in parole being granted for Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 , Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308, and Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 . Since 2008  Mrs. Phillips , Ms Sims, and Ms Holloway along with their co defendants have been eligible for parole and have been denied parole on a consistent basis from 2008 to as recent as February 2016.  Mrs. Phillips, Ms Holloway , and Ms Sims were all denied parole in June of 2013 and Ms Sims again in June of 2014 . The reasons in which the three were denied are indeed questionable .

- Denial Of The Nature And Circumstances Of The Offenses Committed .
- Refusal To Accept Responsibility For The Offenses Committed .
- Level Of Risk To The Safety Of The Community 

As members of the community abroad we strongly feel that these three women are by no means a threat to our safety at large . Ms Sims , Ms Holloway , and Mrs Phillips were never convicted with weapons charges for the crime they were convicted of 37 years ago . The Pennsylvania Parole Board has  held these three women and their co defendants in prison longer with the excuse of failure to show remorse or accept responsibility for a crime that has been proven they have not committed . In fact the trial judge The Late Edwin Malmed admitted on a public radio show after sentencing Move Members to 30 to 100 year sentences that he had the faintest idea who murdered police officer James Ramp and that he was sentencing Move Members to 30 to 100 years sentences because they are Move Members .  Here 37 years after their conviction The Pennsylvania Parole Board are continuing to keep Move Members in prison for the reason of their original conviction BECAUSE THEY ARE MOVE MEMBERS !

As a collective of individuals and organizations that have signed this letter we fully endorse parole  for Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 , Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 , and Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 . We also fully bring into question the continued illegal practices of The Pennsylvania Parole Board as it relates to The Move 9 and Men  and Women  in prisons across the State Of Pennsylvania .

Sophia Dawson.                                            National Jericho Movement. 
Joan Gibbs Esq  Bklyn Ny                            Burning Books Book Store (Buffalo Ny)
Cynthia McKinney                                          The Nation Of Islam 
Killu Nyasha                                                   The Campaign To Bring Mumia Home 
Dr Suzanne W. Ross                                      NYC Coalition To Free Mumia Abu Jamal
Ann Lamb (NYC Jericho)                                NYC Leonard Peltier Support Campaign  
Erica Mines                                                     Amigos De Mumia De Mexico 
Sababa Akil                                                    California Coalition For Women Prisoners
Pamela Fadem                                               Justice For The Dallas 6 Support Campaign
Melvin Dill                                                         Denver Abcf 
Judith Ackerman                                              South Brooklyn Abcf 
Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine )                  Veterans Legal Foundation            
Abdul Haqq Islam                                             Claude Marks (Freedom Archives) 
Anti Racist Action La.                                        Rust Gilbert Bklyn Ny 
Melina Abdullah (Black Lives Matter).              Foundation Radio 
Nickel City Housing Corporation (Buffalo ny).    Human Rights Coalition Fed Up  
Quinon Brooker                                                 Black Radical Organizing Collective 
Philadelphia Coalition For Real Justice             Ingrid Hill (pop) 
Deborah Fay                                                      IZ Balatto ( Guerilla Republik) 
Samidoun Palestinian Solidarity Network.          Phoenix Friends Of Move 
New York City Friends Of Move.                         Mmoja Ajabu        
                                                                                                                                             The Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (Philadelphia Chapter) 
Women In Support Of The  Million Woman March  incorporated 
People's Action For Rights And Community 
Michael Novick (National Board Of Pacifica 
Dorsey Nunn (Prisoners With Children) 
Corey Mac A" Ghobhain (Progress For Science )
Milton Allimadi. (Blackstar News) 
Marilyn Kai Jewett 

Ona Move 

For More info people can go to 

Move 9 
Justice For The Move 9/Facebook 

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The People Vs Pa Governor Tom Wolf April 18th And April 25th 2016

Ona Move 

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is feeling a tremendous amount of pressure over the issue of The Move 9 and the illegal parole practices of The Pennsylvania Parole Board . The evidence of this is the removal of Chairman Michael L. Green a former Ed Rendell Appointee from The Pa Parole Board all together . This was a Move due to the power of the people however a change in people on the parole board does not fix the situation at hand cause The Move 9 are still in prison EIGHT YEARS PAST THEIR PAROLE MINIMUM so my brothers and sisters we still have serious work to do bring our family home and not be swayed by the political chess game of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf .

We are continuing our call the Governors office campaign this Monday April 18th  And Monday April 25th as we prepare for our sisters May 2016 parole hearings . The Issue of the illegal and unjust parole denials of The Move 9 go way beyond The Pennsylvania Parole Board at this point and is a clear issue of The Fraternal Order Of Police controlling and dictating the parole decisions that are being made out of Harrisburg Pennsylvania as it relates to our family . Police unions and Organizations have never hid nor will they ever hide the fact that they play a major role in the denials of parole for our political prisoners .
The Move 9. , Sundiata Acoli, Jalil Muntaqim ,and  Herman Bell are all examples.

This Monday April 18th and The following Monday April 25th  we are urging people to call , Fax, and email The Office Pa Governor Tom Wolf and Demand Parole for the May 2016 Parole hearings for Move Political Prisoners 

Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 
Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 
Janine (phillips) Africa 006309 

Phone (717) 787-2500

Fax (717) 772-8284 

Email (Contact Page) 

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign 

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9 Parole 
Justice For The Move 9 Facebook .
Also Below is A list Of Individuals And Organizations that have all endorsed Parole For The Move 9 Sisters .

Marilyn Kai Jewett
Burning Books Buffalo Ny
Dorsey Nunn (Prisoners with Children )
Milton Allimadi (BlackStar News) 
Sophia Dawson 
Joan P. Gibbs, Esq Bklyn Ny 
Mmoja Ajabu
IZ Balleto (Guerilla Republik) 
Prison Radio 
Anti Rascist Action La 
Michael Novick (National Board Of Pacifica) 
Foundation Radio 
Rust Gilbert Bklyn Ny 
Women in support of the million women march incorporated 
Erica Mines 
Philly Coalition For Real Justice 
Melvin Dill 
Veterans Legal Foundation 
Claude Marks (Freedom Archives) 
Campaign To Bring Mumia Home
Abdul Haqq Islam 
Cynthia McKinney 
Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine) 
Judith Ackerman 
People's Action For Rights and Community 
Denver Anarchist Black Cross Federation
South Brooklyn Anarchist Black Cross Federation 
New York Anarchist Black Cross Federation 
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network 
New York City Friends Of Move 
Phoenix Friends Of Move 
Revolutionary Student Coordinating  Committee (Philadelphia Chapter)
Deborah Fay 
Justice For The Dallas 6 Support Campaign 
Pamela Fadem 
Human Rights Coalition Fed up 
California Coalition For Women Prisoners 
Sababa Akil 
Nickel City Housing Cooperative Buffalo Ny 
Amigos De Mumia De Mexico 
Kiilu Nyasha
Quinon Booker 
Black Radical Organizing  Committee
Ingrid Hill (People's Organization For Progress)          
Melina Abdullah (Black Lives Matter)
Cory Mala Ghobhain (Progress For Science ) 
New York Coalition To Free Mumia Abu Jamal 
Dr . Suzanne W. Ross    

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Move 9 Monday's Continues This Monday April 11th

The May 2016 Parole hearings for Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa are  quickly approaching and we have to continue to keep the pressure on this system and it's officials over the issue of Parole For The Move 9 . Last Monday people from all over the world flooded the phone and fax lines and emails of the office of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and made the issue clear that we want parole granted for the women this May .  We are asking people to continue to call the governors office every Monday for the month of April and continue to demand parole for our sisters this May .

Also we would like to share some information with people about The Governor and his handling  of The Pa Parole Board and his cries for parole reform . Several Months ago we brought to people's attention of Michael L. Green being The Chairman  Of The Pa Parole Board and the danger behind him being in that position based on the fact that he was originally appointed to The Parole Board by then Governor Ed Rendell  who was the District Attorney Of Philadelphia during the trial of The Move 9 this created a complete conflict of interest and due to public pressure last month Governor Wolf was FORCED by the power of the people to remove Michael L Green from the role of Chairman and also remove him from the parole board all together and that's the power of the people .

In the past three years we have exposed the fact former police officers sat on the parole board and over our families hearings and they have all been removed due to the people keeping the pressure on officials over this issue . We have taken away every excuse and tool that these misfits have used and now it is very clear that The Fraternal Order Of Police is giving the orders here . The question now is will The Governor Of The State Of Pennsylvania going to allow a police organization to dictate the actions and choices of a parole board that is under him when he has for months been making liberal cries for parole reform throughout the state of Pennsylvania .

This Monday April 11th  call , fax, email The Office Of Governor Tom Wolf and demand parole For

 Debbie (Sims)  Africa 006307
 Janet (Holloway)Africa  006308 
 Janine( Phillips) Africa  006309 

Phone (717) 787-2500
Fax (717) 772-8284 

Also at this crucial time we are asking people to sign the petition we have aimed at United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate The wrongful and ongoing imprisonment of The Move 9. People can sign the petition at 

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign  

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9
Justice For The Move 9/ Facebook.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Demand Parole For The Move 9 Sisters This Monday April 4th 2016

For The past three months we have been engrossed in a public campaign to promote The upcoming May 2016 parole hearings for our sisters Janet , Janine , and Debbie Africa . We have had successful programs in both New York (February) and Philadelphia (March) and we completed twenty radio shows across the country during the month of January 2016 . All of this helped further gain public support for our sisters but we cannot stop here as we have to keep the momentum going and your help is needed now more than ever .

This Monday we will be restarting our Move 9 Monday's Call in Campaign as we continue to keep the pressure on Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf . Governor Wolf for months now has made cries and called for parole reform in the state of Pennsylvania all while purposely ignoring the illegal practices of The Pa Parole Board and the unjust illegal parole denials of innocent Move Members eight years past their parole eligibility .  During The last three hearings we have seen Michael Africa , Delbert Africa , And Eddie Africa All Denied.

The Parole Board who is being guided by The Fraternal Order Of Police are planning to follow this same pattern with our sisters but like we stated in January we are no longer allowing this . Our sisters are in prison and have been their for the past 37 years with no weapons charges . At this point people know all about their accomplishments , work plans , housing , Institutional Recommendation , etc . This isn't about the safety of the community or the nature of the crime this is about the system and it's hatred for Move Members .

As evidence in the mysterious deaths of Merle Africa (1998) and Phil Africa (2015)   Officials along with The Parole Board are carrying out the plan for Move Members to die in prison . This Monday April 4th 2016 we are asking for people who are concerned with justice to call , fax , and email The Office Of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf  and demand immediate parole for 

Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308
Debbie (Sims)  Africa 006307 
Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309

Phone (717) 787-2500

Fax  (717) 772-8284

Also at this crucial time we are asking people to sign The Justice Dept Petition For The Move 9 . To sign the petition people can go to 

For More info people can go to 

Move 9

Justice For The Move 9 Facebook 

Ona Move 
