We started this Justice and Accountability Campaign many years ago to free our family members that were being held hostage by the PA Parole Board. Now that over the course of the last two years, they have all been released, we are signing off. We must not forget, that Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and long-term supporter of MOVE is still unjustly behind bars for a crime that he is factually innocent of. Please follow the campaign to free him at freemumia.com, on Instagram @mumiafreedombound, and Twitter @BringMumiaHome.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Chuck Africa is out of prison; the MOVE 9 are all free!
The last held member of the Move 9, Chuck Africa, came home today! His post-release fundraiser is at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-chuck-africa-rebuild. Now that our family members are all home we will continue the struggle for justice until ALL ARE FREE. Long Live John Africa!
We started this Justice and Accountability Campaign many years ago to free our family members that were being held hostage by the PA Parole Board. Now that over the course of the last two years, they have all been released, we are signing off. We must not forget, that Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and long-term supporter of MOVE is still unjustly behind bars for a crime that he is factually innocent of. Please follow the campaign to free him at freemumia.com, on Instagram @mumiafreedombound, and Twitter @BringMumiaHome.
We started this Justice and Accountability Campaign many years ago to free our family members that were being held hostage by the PA Parole Board. Now that over the course of the last two years, they have all been released, we are signing off. We must not forget, that Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and long-term supporter of MOVE is still unjustly behind bars for a crime that he is factually innocent of. Please follow the campaign to free him at freemumia.com, on Instagram @mumiafreedombound, and Twitter @BringMumiaHome.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Ona Move! Delbert Africa is finally free!
Today we celebrate the returning home of our Brother Delbert Africa. Delbert walked out of SCI Dallas this morning strong and reunited with his family! Now we must get him the medical care he needs after so many years of medical neglect by the PA DOC. Donations are being collected through: https://www.gofundme.com/f/delafricasupport.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Eddie Africa is now free! Mumia, Delbert and Chuck need to be freed still!
Our Brother Eddie is free as of today! We are happy that he is back with us and all of his family members, but we can not forget that he left behind not only two of the MOVE9, Delbert and Chuck, but also Mumia who he was held in SCI Mahanoy with for the last several years. We need to double down and free Mumia, Delbert and Chuck. Donations to help Eddie transition to life outside prison after over 40 years can be made at: https://fundrazr.com/eddie-africa.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Janet and Janine Africa Paroled!
Our sisters Janet and Janine Africa were finally released today after they were unjustly denied parole almost exactly a year ago when Debbie was granted parole. There is NO REASON why these sisters were held in prison why Debbie was released, other than that the PA Board of Parole is rotten to the core. Take a moment to welcome them home! Their post-release fund is at: https://fundrazr.com/janet-janine.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Online Fundraising Campaign to Help Debbie & Mike Rebuild
Donate today to help Debbie and Mike Get Settled with their Family after 40 Years in Prison!
Mike & Debbie Africa have been political prisoners since Aug 8, 1978. On Jun 16 after 39 years and 10 months, Debbie was released, and on October 22, after more than 40 years in prison, Mike was released.
They have two kids together (one that was literally born in prison as Debbie was 8 months pregnant at the time of her arrest) and despite not being able to see or talk to each other for 40 years, they have stayed together. The picture above is first time they've touched or seen each other since they were in their 20s.
They had their life stolen from them for a crime they did not commit. and anything helps as they work to rebuild the life they had taken from them so very long ago.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Mike Africa Freed on Parole!
Mike Africa was released from Prison this morning and reunited with his son and wife, Debbie Africa who was released months prior. Please consider setting up a monthly donation through Patreon as Debbie and now Mike begin to rebuild their lives.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Habeas Petitions Filed to Free Janet and Janine Africa
On October 4th, the Abolitionist Law Center and the Peoples Law Office filed Habeas motions in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on behalf of Janet Hollaway Africa and Janine Phillips Africa of the MOVE 9, to appeal the decision of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole (board) to deny them parole in May of 2018. Despite maintaining favorable recommendations and receiving no disciplinary infractions for decades, Janet and Janine were denied parole even though others similarly situated were released by the board.
In May of 2018, the board ruled the petitioners should not be granted parole due to their lack of remorse, minimization of the offenses committed, and an unfavorable recommendation of the prosecutor. One of the many issues the petitioners, through their attorneys, raise is the erroneous justifications used to deny them parole because the board’s false allegations are contradicted in the record. While the board stated there was opposition to their release, there was in fact support from the district attorney’s office. As such the motion argues the board violated substantive due process rights of Janet and Janine by denying them appeal for reasons that do not include rehabilitative and deterrent purposes. Not only do the petitioners have a favorable recommendation in support of their release, they also have family and community support, employment options, and access to stable housing. Moreover, the petitioners have accepted responsibility for their actions before the board, in their community,and with their advocacy works.
The Parole Board’s decision to deny Janet and Janine was completely arbitrary and lacked any rational basis. The justifications provided by the Board are contradicted by the evidence, including the false claim that the District Attorney’s Office opposed parole. Janet and Janine are well deserving of parole-DOC staff describe both women as model prisoners, they have not had a disciplinary incident in decades and they’ve both participated in community fundraisers, the dog training program and other social programs inside of prison. ~ Attorney Brad ThomsonIn addition to Janet, Janine and Mike Sr., three other members of the MOVE 9 remain incarcerated, as two died in custody. During the August 8, 1978 altercation, a Philadelphia police officer was killed and following a highly politicized trial, the MOVE 9 were convicted of third-degree homicide. All nine were sentenced to 30-100 years in prison. The six surviving members of the MOVE 9 are all eligible for parole.
Brad Thomson, People’s Law Office, 773.235.0070 ext. 123, BradJayThomson@gmail.com
Bret Grote, Abolitionist Law Center, 412.654.9070, bretgrote@abolitionistlawcenter.org
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
We are ecstatic that Debbie Africa has finally been released from prison and reunited with her son, Mike. Her recent interview with Democracy Now! highlights the importance to continue fighting for the freedom of the remaining incarcerated Move members: Chuck (Debbie's brother), Delbert, Eddie, Janet, Janine and Mike (Debbie's husband).
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Action Alert to Support Parole for Janet & Janine: June 25 – 27
On Saturday, June 16, MOVE member Debbie Africa was released on parole from State Correctional Institution (SCI) Cambridge Springs after 39 years and 10 months of incarceration.
Fellow MOVE members Janet and Janine Africa, however, were denied parole despite having virtually identical Department of Corrections records as Debbie. [Information on how to take action below.]
Janet, Janine, and Debbie all:
– Have gone more than 20 years without a misconduct for any rule violation
– Were recommended for parole by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
– Were recommended for parole by former PA DOC Secretary Martin Horn
– Were recommended for parole by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
– It is beyond dispute that Debbie, Janet and Janine present zero threat to public safety
The Parole Board has denied them the opportunity to return home based on unlawful factors. Claiming the two minimized the offense and did not express remorse, the Board ignored the only relevant assessment under Pennsylvania law: that the two do not present a threat to public safety.
The Parole Board also lied, claiming that Janet and Janine received the negative recommendation of the prosecuting attorney, when in truth Philadelphia’s District Attorney, Larry Krasner, recommended all three women – Debbie, Janet, and Janine – for parole, his office stating that it “was “confident” that Janet and Janine “will not pose a threat to the Philadelphia community” and that their “continued incarceration does not make our city safer.”
Take Action – Call the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons and Parole Chairman Leo Dunn:
Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole: 717-787-5699 – Ask for Chairman Leo Dunn’s office
Send Email message: ra-pbppopc@pa.gov
Talking Points:
– Janet and Janine have not had any rule violation in more than 20 years
– Each has the support of the DOC, former DOC Secretary and nationally-renowned corrections expert Martin Horn, and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
– Janet and Janine do not present a threat to public safety and should be released just like Debbie
– The Board must stop making political decisions in the MOVE cases: when judged on their record in the DOC and community support Janet and Janine have a right to be released
– That Leo Dunn agree to have the Board reconsider its denial
– Grant Janet and Janine Africa release on parole
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Michael Africa Sr Denied Parole
Back In 2014 Our Brother Michael Africa Sr went before The Pennsylvania Parole Board and was as expected denied parole . What was even more sinister with this parole denial was the fact that Michael was given a five year hit . One of the reasons cited was that Michael was considered a threat to the safety of the community at large . Back in 2015 Michael had appealed this denial and was granted an appeal hearing that took place in August of 2016 . None the less after a six month wait mike was finally given word that he was again denied parole . We know that Michael was given a one year hit the reasons for this denial hasn't been cited yet but as usual we know the forces behind his denial .
A couple of weeks ago we brought to people's attention the background of Mark Koch one of the newest members of The Pennsylvania Parole Board. We exposed in full Mr. Koch's lifelong career in Law Enforcement and the Special Role he has played with The Fraternal Order Of Police . We exposed to people the danger in having someone of such a long storied background in law enforcement voting over the potential release of parole for Move Political Prisoners . Mr Koch was one of The Parole Board Members who recently voted against parole for Michael as was to be expected . The Fraternal Order Of Police no longer have to lobby against parole for The Move 9 now that they have one of their members in place on the Pennsylvania Parole Board to do their work .
From 2012-2014 A former Board Member Randy Feathers voted against Parole For The Move 9 stating in their denial's that they were a risk to the safety of the community.Randy Feathers resigned from his position from the board due to himself being involved in the recent kiddie porn scandal with recently convicted disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane . A man that's a risk to the safety of every child in the communities safety stated that our family risks a threat to the communities safety and cannot be paroled.
By the ending of the month our course of action will begin in the meantime we are asking people to Sign And Share the petition we have aimed at The United States Justice Dept calling for a civil rights investigation into the case of The Move 9 . People can sign the petition at https://www.causes.com/campaigns/92454-free-the-move-9.
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign
For More Info
Justice For The Move 9/Facebook
Move 9 Paroleblogspot.com
Saturday, January 28, 2017
The Move 9 , The Fraternal Order Of Police , And The Pa Parole Board
The Justice And Accountability Campaign is still in full swing and is still going strong . We have dedicated 2017 to exposing and working around the puny excuse that The Pennsylvania Parole Board has used to so called justify denying parole for MOVE members in prison . The Excuse the past four years has been in the words of The Pennsylvania Parole Board Parole Denial Reason cited The Risk To The Safety Of The Community At Large . Earlier This Month we talked on and exposed the character of Randy Feathers a former Board Member And Known Pedophile who resigned from The Pennsylvania Parole Board in the wake of the kiddie porn email scandal with disgraced now former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane .
This Will be an issue that we will continue to expose as time passes but in the meantime we want to talk further about The Fraternal Order Of Police and their connection to The Pa Parole Board . Since The Beginning of this campaign we have exposed the connection between Law Enforcement and their ties to The Parole Board Randy Feathers , And Lloyd White were both Former Police Officers that were not only on The Parole Board but voted against parole for The Move 9 . Leslie Grey Another Board Member with ties to Law Enforcement and who is still on The Board has voted against parole for The Move 9 . Which we have said from the beginning is a conflict of interest to have former police officers who are now parole board members voting over the hearing of inmates whose case revolves around the murder of a police officer .
On June 15th 2016 The Pennsylvania Senate Confirmed Mark D. Koch as the newest Member Of The Pennsylvania Parole Board . We just want to provide People with a little background information to who Mark D. Koch is and his VERY STRONG TIES to Law Enforcement . In 1980 Mr Koch started as a Police Officer with the Department Of Defense from their in 1998 Mr Koch was elected to The Board Of The Pennsylvania State Fraternal Order Of Police as their treasurer . In 2004 Mr Koch was elected to two terms as State President Of The Fraternal Of Police representing more than 40,000 law enforcement officers . After his two terms were completed he then went on to serve as Director Of Legislative Affairs For The Fraternal Order Of Police until 2012 and also included in his long storied resume of Law Enforcement is that Mr Koch is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State Police Northeast Municipal Police Officer Training Academy .
It has been clear for quite some time now the role of The Fraternal Order Of Police and not only their public outcry against any form of release for our political prisoners . You can look into the actions with The Fraternal Order Of Police In New Jersey and how they were able to work within the courts and have a court ordered parole release for one of our political prisoners overturned . Look at another political prisoner in the federal prison system who has been held twelve years now past his maximum release date due to the influence of a The Fraternal Order Of Police over The United States Justice Dept And The Department Of Homeland Security . New York State where not only does The Fraternal Order Of Police Lobby AGAINST parole for New York State political prisoners but in fact they have an active member who sits on The board In the form of Sally Thompson .
So this is nothing new it's just now being exposed to the public thru this campaign . In 2018 Delbert Africa , Edward Africa , Janine Africa, Debbie Africa , and Janet Africa will be making yet another appearance before the parole board . The issue of Mark D. Koch poses the strongest conflict of interest as per his background he is coming in with a vote against parole already decided against parole for our family . As we watch the Trump Administration put things in place for complete global dominance The Fraternal Order Of Police, The Pennsylvania Parole Board, and Philadelphia Officials have already set things in place to ensure that MOVE MEMBERS die in prison . All of this has occurred under the watchful eye of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf who has made hypocritical cries about their needing to be reform within The Parole Board yet he has watched The Fraternal Order Of Police time and time again be the decision maker with our families parole denials .
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign
Sunday, January 1, 2017
The Move 9 And The Safety Of The Community
Ona Move
The Fight in exposing the illegal parole denials of the Move 9 at the hands of The Pennsylvania Parole Board is still in full swing. During the respective 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 parole denials of The Move 9, the now main reason cited for the Move 9 being denied parole is this bogus issue of them being a threat to the safety of the community at large. This is the only issue that The Parole Board can use at this point cause we have taken away every excuse they have had, and have in fact exposed them on so many levels in which they could not afford to have exposed to the public.
The Issue of Responsibility/Remorse had to be taken off the table because our family would not admit guilt to a crime that they have maintained their innocence now for 39 years. Akai Gurley, Sandra Bland, Anthony Baez, Michael Brown, Gideon Busch, and people from all across the country have been MURDERED by the Police, and these same Police who have MURDERED citizens are still walking the street and are the REAL threat to the community -- not innocent MOVE Members who have been unjustly denied parole since 2008 despite the FULL support of the community.
Since the PA Parole Board is on the subject of community safety, let's by all means speak on the issue of community safety and the PA Parole Board having a known pedophile on their board for a period of time. In October 2014, PA Parole Board Member Randy Feathers resigned from the Board amid being involved in the kiddie porn email scandal that now has disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane facing prison time. For a two year period, Feathers received 400 emails related to kiddie porn as he worked for the office of The Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
From 2012 to 2014, Feathers, who also has not just pedophile credentials on his resume but is also a former police officer, voted against parole for our family also citing the issue of the safety of the community. Governor Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania Parole Board has a lot of explaining to do, and having him resign by no means is ENOUGH. What greater threat to the safety of the community and the children of the communities safety than to have a known pedophile in it and one that holds such a high position in office? It has been proven through their example our family is no threat to the community's safety.
This just further exposes how dirty and corrupt this system and it's officials are, and the character of the Pa Parole Board's background of Law Enforcement and now Pedophilia. This isn't just about our family, but it's about your family too -- the fact that your children are being kept in prison due to the nature of the crime or their failure to show remorse based on the opinion of smut peddlers and legalized killers casting judgement knowing Damn well their hands are dirty. People don't have to take our word for this; people can just go to the internet and google "Randy Feathers Pennsylvania Parole Board."
There will be a course of action that will follow in the next couple of days aimed at Governor Tom Wolf, his character and his new appointees to the parole board. In the meantime, we are still urging people to sign and spread the petition we have aimed at The United States Justice Department urging them to investigate the ongoing and wrongful imprisonment of the Move 9. People can sign the petition at https://www.causes.com/campaigns/92454-free-the-move-9. We would like to reach
a Mark of 10,000 by May so we got work to do.
Ona Move
The Justice and Accountability Campaign
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Sign the petition urging the Attorney General to free the Move 9
In recent years, numerous instances of racial profiling, civil rights
violations and use of excessive police force have been investigated. The case of the Move 9 is widely acknowledged as a racially charged
incident. Despite substantial evidence of their innocence and the
lengthy time served, they remain incarcerated. For this reason, many are calling
on the U.S. Attorney General to open a rigorous investigation into this
case, and advocating for their release on
Read the full text and sign the petition, where you can also share it on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Read the full text and sign the petition, where you can also share it on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.
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