CALL EVERY MONDAY throughout Spring 2014:
Board of Probation and Parole: (717) 772-4343
Board of Probation and Parole: (717) 772-4343
Use these talking points when speaking with the Board to pressure them to do the right thing and parole the Move prisoners:
*[She/he/they] meet all of the reasonable standards for parole including recommendations from the prison authorities where they are incarcerated.
*[She/he/they] have excellent prison records, have kept down racial and gang violence in prison, helped inmates fight drug addiction, helped parents establish relationships with their children on the outside, and have been an overall positive influence on the prison population, both staff and inmates.
*[She/he/they] have served over 35 years of a 30-100 year sentence for third-degree murder even though the average sentence for that charge is 10-15 years.
*I am concerned about optional stipulations that the Parole Board may require, which I feel are unfair, and which many legal scholars contend is a violation of First Amendment rights. In the past, as a condition for parole, these prisoners have unfairly been required to renounce the religious organization they belong to, Move.
*I am concerned about the “taking responsibility” stipulation which basically asks a prisoner to admit guilt in order to be granted parole. [Prisoner(s) name] have always maintained their innocence and there is evidence that corroborates that the shot was from a police officer rather than any of the individuals currently incarcerated. It is unfair to require this stipulation from any prisoner who maintains innocence.
*I am also concerned about the “serious nature of the offense” stipulation. The judge took the nature of the offense into consideration when the sentence was issued so that barring misconduct, new charges, etc. [she/he/them] was to be released on their minimum.
*Since two of the members of the PA Parole Board (Randy Feathers and Lloyd White) are former police officers, this leads to bias against [she/he/them] and needs to addressed so that their right to parole is not compromised
*[She/he/they] have now spent most of their lives in prison, and the recidivism rate for people released at [her/his/their] age is very low. All of the Move members that have already been released from prison have not recidivated.
Charles Sims Africa #AM4975 (November 2014)
Debbie Sims Africa #OO6307 (May 2014)
Delbert Orr Africa #AM4985 (June 2015)
Edward Goodman Africa #AM4974 (November 2015)
Janet Holloway Africa #OO6308 (May 2016)
Janine Phillips Africa #OO6309 (May 2016)
Michael Davis Africa #AM4973 (November 2014)
William Phillips Africa #AM4984 (June 2015)
Make sure to have a paper and pen handy when you call, so you can write down who you spoke with and what their response was. This info can be sent to the Move Organization: onamovellja[at]
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