The information below is from Phil Africa on behalf of the MOVE 9. Nine Black men and women who are serving a 30-100 year sentence for the murder of a cop back in 1978. After completing their minumum sentence of thirty years, they are continually being denied by the parole board. I encourage everyone to call and/or (contact info at the bottom) write on their behalf to the parole board for their release. Please circulate this around.
Chairman Catherine McVey
(717) 787-5699
Tips for Calling Parole Board
1—Keep a copy of our parole sheets with you when calling. This way you will know just what they said and how to attack it.
2—Key points are that we have done all that is required to be released.
a. All required programs have been completed
b. Have been misconduct free for over 20 years
c. Have the recommendation of the prisons to be released
d. We have home plans
e. We have job plans
f. We have strong community support networks
g. We have very strong family supports
Keep in mind, that the aforementionables are more than most have while pre-parole, so why are we not being paroled?
3— Reiterate that parole is about the 32 years being spent in prison verses the crime being committed.
The sentencing judge has never said that we would have to admit “guilt/take responsibility” for crimes we did not commit in order to be paroled. Ask them, where does it say in their rules that a prisoner must admit guilt to be released? Point being, that it is what they are demanding of us by refusing to release us because we “refuse to accept responsibility for the offense” and some other crap, which of course is not stuff that is on any of the information sheets that are given to us after our sentencing that tells you when you get to prison what is expected of you to be ready for parole/release.
4—Be sure to tape record your calls to these people whenever possible. That way you can quote them word for word and if caught in lies, having it on tape will be very impressive. Always be sure to get the name of the person you talk to and what their job or position with the parole board is when you call.
5—Pre-release vs Parole. We had been up for pre-release which is separate from parole because it is decided on by the Department of Correction. Yet when Delbert saw the parole board, they asked him “how is your pre-release bid coming along.” We were told by the staff here that we had been approved for it until it went to Harrisburg to be voted on and that we had been approved for it until it went to Harrisburg to be voted on. We know it was politics that had them make the change in vote once the Rendell/FOP people got wind of it. Like I said, these are just suggestions of things to ask or say to these people at the parole board when you all be calling them. They should be able to state and explain why they refused us parole and ya’ll know that whatever excuse they give we can pick apart with the truth and use it to expose them even more.
6—Ask them why since nothing has changed with the women or men, they’ve got no misconducts, have the prisons recommendation done completed all of their programs, that they were not released but instead given longer parole hits. Now this is a big issue because only when you mess up do they give you a longer hit, so how do they explain giving the women those increased hits.
I encourage all to write to the parole board as well on behalf of the MOVE 9:
Attn: Inmate Inquiry
1101 South Front Street, Suite 5300
Harrisburg, PA 17104
(717) 787-5699
Along with Chairman Catherine C. McVey, the other eight Parole Board Members are Charles Fox, Michael L. Green, Jeffrey R. Imboden, Matthew T. Mangino, Benjamin A. Martinez, Gerard N. Massaro, Judy Viglione, Lloyd A. White.