Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Michael Africa Sr Denied Parole For A 7th Time

Ona Move 

We just received word this morning that our brother Michael Davis Africa was denied parole for a record seventh time. What is more outrageous is the fact that Michael was given a five year hit by The Pa Parole Board. Since 2008 Move Members have been consistently denied parole for being nothing more than committed Move Members. At Different hearings over the years different members were given one year hits, two year hits,the longest hit being three years for Janet Africa until today when Michael Sr was given  a five year hit by The Pa Parole Board.

The Parole Board cited these reasons for Michael's denial

(1) Failure to show motivation for parole

(2)  Risk to the safety of the community .

(3) Negative recommendation made by the Prosecuting Attorney

(4)  Failure to show remorse 

(5) Failure to take responsibility for the crime committed .

The Parole has stated that Michael is a risk to the community at large yet the request of the community to have Michael paroled was ignored by The Parole Board.  Michael like other committed Move Members will not take responsibility for a crime he and other Move Members are innocent of. The District Attorney of Philadelphia Seth Williams again was only eleven years old when The Move 9 was arrested on August 8th 1978 and is doing this under the orders of The Fraternal Order Of Police.

Today's denial of Parole for Michael and the five year hit  is a result of the massive protest that you see going on this very day in regards to police brutality and the murder of our children. 36 years ago The Move Organization was speaking out and demonstrating against this same exact thing that is going on today and for this The Move 9 were unjustly jailed. The Parole Board is working in conjunction with The police and this System and it's officials to keep Michael and other committed Move Members in prison. The issue of police brutality and murder is over all of America 's door steps today.

This system and it's officials are working to keep innocent people in prison. People who have fought against this injustice are now being punished with five year parole denials because this system and it's officials are being exposed on a worldwide level and our freedom fighters in prison are being made to suffer out of retaliation for doing nothing more than speaking the truth for so many years. This isn't about Justice because if this system was about Justice then The guilty cops that killed Eric Garner would be in jail. The guilty cop that killed Akai Gurley would be in jail. The guilty cops that killed Move People on May 13th 1985 would be in jail not the people that demonstrated against this same thing 36 years ago. This Fight Is Far From Over There Will Be More Info To Soon Follow.

Ona Move 
Orie, Mona, Illy , Margie, Ann, And Patrice.

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9 Parole Blogspot .Com

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The PA Parole Board War Against the Move 9 & #blacklivesmatter

On The Move!!!

On November, 12th I had a parole hearing, my 7th since becoming eligible in 2008. The latest hearing was presided over by Parole Board Members Gray and Shultz. Gray was in Harrisburg,
conducting her interview via T.V. Monitor, and kicked off the hearing by asking me what happened
the day of the offense.

I told them what happened on 8/8/78 occurred because in March 1976 police came out to Headquarters attacking Move People. They attacked Janine, knocking her infant son from her her arms and stomped on the baby crushing his skull. Move people went to the authorities demanding
attention to that heinous crime and received no response. The D.A. (Ed Rendell) was contacted and
he flatly refused to investigate. The police, as usual, lied. Denying that the incident never occurred when contacted by the local press.

Finally, Move invited Philadelphia city council members to our house to view the lifeless form of Life Africa, Janine and Phil's murdered son. The city's response to this news report, as well as the ensuing call for an investigation by those city council members, was not to respond at all. Absolute silence from officials who take every opportunity to castigate any incident even remotely connected to The Move Organization and nothing more from the mainstream press who has always acted in concert with racist city officials.

So we held a demonstration at our Headquarters to expose what had happened to the public-- what city officials were trying their best to cover up. However, rather than heed their own city officials' call for an independent outside review into the murder, Philadelphia city officials forced a standoff, eventually sending 500-600 more of those same crazy cops to further attack us. Firing in huge amounts of water, tear gas, smoke and bullets in the basement where they knew we all were.

Gray's only comment was that it was clear to her that I was sticking to my version and said she had nothing further she wanted to ask. Shultz then asked her only question of the hearing. She asked who was responsible for the incident. I said city officials and the cops. We didn't assault their women and children. They came to our house doing these things. We were all in the basement of the house 6 feet below street level nearly drowning from all of the water being pumped in by fireman and blinded by tear gas and smoke shot in by the cops. The cop that was killed was facing our Headquarters when struck by a bullet that hit from behind traveling on a downward trajectory. This was impossible for any of us to have fired even if you believe we had guns, which we did not.

Our only goal in doing what we did was to bring attention to the injustice being meted out to the Move Organization by Philly cops at the direction of city officials. We simply asked that our family stop being assaulted and murdered by those city cops and because they refused our requests. We had a demonstration to publicize our plight directly to the people. Just as you see being done in the cases of Ferguson, Missouri, with Oscar Grant in Oakland, and many other cities. Until these incidents were exposed to the people by the people, forcing media attention and calls for Justice, only then was there a semblance of an official investigation. Well, that is all that Move did 37 years ago.

Shultz said she had nothing further to ask and the hearing was over. Needless to say, their not even bothering to ask any routine questions about a home plan, job plan, or anything else related to life outside of prison, is always a clear indication that they never intend to consider release. The entire hearing didn't last more than a couple of minutes. So now I await the official response of what they've made crystal clear in the past six parole hearings. They intend to finish the job that Philly officials, their Storm Trooper Cops, their Racist Judges and biased press started decades earlier.

Michael (Davis) Africa, Sr.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Eddie Africa Denied Parole Enough Is Enough

Ona Move 

We found out Today that for a record seventh time now our Brother Eddie Africa was denied parole by the Pa Parole Board. As usual The Parole Board stated the issue of 
Eddie not showing remorse for a crime that he and other Move Members are innocent of.
They stated the fact that Eddie did not take responsibility for a crime that he and other Move Members are innocent of. At this point the nature of the crime is not the issue because you can look no further than the late Trial Judge Edwin Malmed  who the day 
After giving Move Members 30-100 years in prison stated that he had the faintest idea
Who murdered Officer James Ramp was sending Move Members to prison based on 
The fact that they are Move Members and not for the murder of Officer James Ramp.

This system and it's officials say that it's time for Move People to Move Past The Bombing 
and murder of Move Members on May 13th 1985 but this system and it's parole board has not applied this to August 1978 and the murder of Officer James Ramp which they are using as an excuse to keep committed Move Members in prison. The Parole Board took almost two months to deliver a decision that was already made by The Fraternal Order of Police and Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams and dictated to newly appointed Parole Board Chairman Lloyd White a former Police Officer Himself . All of these parties are working together to ensure that The Move 9 remain in prison for life. Even The Warden of SCI Mahanoy where Eddie is at gave him a negative recommendation for parole.

People should be outraged by this people who stood up and fought for all of life to be free are being unjustly imprisoned while the people that killed Michael Brown, Sean Bell, Eric Garner, 11 Move Members from 1985, all walk the street . When do you say Enough is Enough we are fed up and you should be too. We want people to continue calling The Parole Board and continue questioning them about the unjust imprisonment of The Move 9.
The Parole Board can be reached at (717) 772-4343 call these misfits and let your voices be heard about the issue of The Move 9 being held hostage in Pa Prisons.

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign 

For More Info People Can Go To 

Move 9 ParoleBlogspot.com

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Saturday, November 8, 2014



The fight for justice for Move political prisoners wages on and your help is needed right now at this very crucial time. Our Brother Michael Davis Africa Sr. (AM-4973) will be making his appearance before The PA Parole Board within the next two weeks. The PA Parole Board is under a tremendous amount of pressure over the issue of the Move 9 and Parole. They have tried to divert our phone calls; they have turned off their phones; they have said that their computers were down; but this still hasn't stopped us. Your help is crucial at this time - this week is Michael Africa Solidarity Week!

We need people to call the PA Parole Board and demand parole for Michael Davis Africa AM-4973. The Parole Board can be reached at (717) 772-4343. At this point, people know all the points to be made so let's do what we have been doing for the past year and demand parole for Mike and Move Political Prisoners.  It is Freedom Time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Take A Stand for Mumia and PA Prisoners - Call-in Today


The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home is seeking your support to caravan to Harrisburg, PA on Wednesday, October 15 to fight the newest legislation created to silence the voice of PA prisoners.

Tomorrow, the PA Senate will vote on House bill HB2533 and Senate bill SB508. In the spirit of the "Mumia Exception," this legislation was fast-tracked in direct response to the positive support Mumia received for his Goddard College commencement speech. This bill will make it illegal for prisoners to speak publicly AND sue those prisoners who do and the parties who assist them. 

This legislation was created to silence the voice of political prisoners like Mumia Abu Jamal, Lorenzo "Cat" Johnson and Russell Shoatz whose voices can be heard around the world, in spite of their physical captivity. Consider how much their voices have contributed to our intellectual heritage and collective growth. Consider all that we have learned about prison conditions and prisoner rights violations from the voices of the imprisoned. This bill will not only silence prisoner's voices; it will silence the voice of all those who want to hear them. Legislation like this reminds us that all bodies behind bars are political prisoners. 

The precedence of this repression legislation has far reaching implications for prisoners rights, freedom of speech, and our collective ability to take on the state. We need supporters go to Harrisburg to show physical support and accompany members of the MOVE family as they meet with legislators. If you can attend and or volunteer as a driver, please respond to this email or call 267-259-1740. With enough support, we will rent vans from Philadelphia and NY. Tentative Philadelphia departure is 7:30am.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Eddie Africa Solidarity Week.

Ona Move

The PA Parole Board  feels that they are in a position to do wrong and get away with it in regards to the illegal and unjust parole denials of The Move 9. They are crazy if they think they can do this and their will not be a public outcry is just crazy . For The past year now we have tied up the phone lines of The Parole Board every Monday, we have sent them hundreds of letters and postcards demanding
The release of The Move 9, We have exposed their illegal actions and their connection to the police in the media. This has gone on  for a year now and WE ARE MAKING IT CLEAR THAT WE AINT STOPPING ! We are continuing our campaign against The PA Parole Board  in exposing Their Crooked Corrupt Asses and we are even more determined to win parole for our MOVE Brothers and Sisters that they are holding hostage under the orders of The Fraternal Order Of  Police .

This Monday October 6th officially kicks off Eddie Africa Solidarity Week. We are asking people all over the world  to call The Pa a Parole Board Monday October 6th thru Friday October 10th  and demand parole for Edward (Goodman) Africa Am -4974 . You can reach The Parole Board at (717) 772-4343 . This is a critical time right now and we have to continue to keep the pressure on these misfits so call and let them know you are watching them and this hearing and demand immediate parole for Edward (Goodman) Africa Am-4974 . The Pa Parole Board can be reached at again (717) 772-4344

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Support Parole For Eddie Africa

We are asking for your support at this critical stage to secure the freedom Eddie deserves.  Feel free to use the sample letter below and write in your own words.

NOTE: Please send all letters of support to Orie Ross, P.O. Box 575, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108-0575 so they can be reviewed and sent to the Board.  If possible, please send your letter so it arrives by Monday, September 29th.  The final deadline for letters will be Friday, October 24th.

Sample Letter:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Debbie Africa Denied Parole

Ona Move 

The Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Parole Board and Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, have gone all out to ensure that innocent Move Members stay in prison for the rest of their lives. Despite having employment and housing both established, an excellent prison conduct record, and letters of support from people all over the world, the PA Parole Board, under the orders of the Fraternal Order of Police, denied Debbie Africa parole for the sixth time.

View Debbie's denial below:

Monday, July 28, 2014

Conspiratorial Posture by the District Attorney's Office Aimed at Move by Janet Africa


The MOVE ORGANIZATION surfaced in the early 1970's; we initiated hundreds of peaceful demonstrations against institutions that exploit, abuse, and murder children, the elderly, animals, and the environment. We brought out in the open the abusive state owned and privately run homes for orphaned/problem children, and the infirm elderly; we protested animal experimental laboratories, big industrial corporations that poison the air, water, and soil daily. We went into each situation equipped with our belief, THE TEACHING OF JOHN AFRICA, to right the wrong that was being done, which no one could refute.

The people running these institutions would call the cops on us and they would automatically take sides with these institutions and physically assault MOVE People. They would lock us up, beat us up and put all kinds of trumped up charges on us to keep us in jail. This is how MOVE first got involved with the police and court system. MOVE spoke out against the abuse, successfully bringing attention on police brutality in Philadelphia. The police began a concerted campaign of harassment and abuse against MOVE. This is when the conspiracy against MOVE started. Between 1973-1977, MOVE people were arrested and beaten hundreds of times, MOVE women were beaten into miscarriages, five of our babies were murdered .

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Move 9 Monday's Hold Seth Williams Accountable .

Ona Move 

It has been close to one year now and The Justice and Accountability Campaign is still in full swing. The PA Parole Board has been fully exposed on the issue of them keeping innocent Move people in prison six years past their minimum sentence. The Fraternal Order of Police and other police unions have now gone quiet over the issue of parole for The Move 9 with their public smear campaign.

There is still one culprit that has to be held accountable in his role in helping to keep to keep Move people in prison, and that is Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams.

As we stated in an earlier statement Seth Williams from 2010 - to the present day has consistently given negative parole recommendations against parole for The Move 9. The question you may ask is what is this based on?
This Government is using Seth Williams as their self-appointed hit man as it did Wilson Goode in 1985. In 1985, this government dropped a bomb on the Move Organization killing six adults and five children. Wilson Goode, the city's first Black Mayor, was placed in this position by this Government to drop a bomb on the house of the Move Organization and murder six adults and five children so that race would not be an issue.

Now, in 2014, this government's new appointed hit man for hire, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, is being used to help keep Move People in prison so race won't be seen as an issue cause he is black. Whats worse is that this sellout is happy with the job that this Government has given him. We are not fooled by this ploy and the public should not be fooled by this not one bit. 

Enough is Enough starting this Monday 6/30, and every Monday this summer until Monday 8/25, we are asking people to call The Office Of The Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams at his office and hold him accountable for his role in keeping innocent Move People in prison. Call his office at (215) 686-8000 extension 3, and demand the release of Move Political Prisoners. Let your voices be heard now is the time.

Ona Move 

The Justice And Accountability Campaign
For More Info You Can Contact Rebelchild170@ aol.com

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Philadelphia DA is Holding the Move 9 Hostage

For close to one year now we have been focused on exposing the Pennsylvania Parole Board's illegal and unjust parole denials of The Move 9. We have exposed the police and their role in the influence of the parole denials and have also exposed the role of both Randy Feathers and Lloyd White two former police officers who now sit on the Pennsylvania Parole Board and over the parole hearings of The Move 9.

The one aspect that has yet to be exposed until now is that is the role of the Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams. Since taking office in 2010 Seth Williams for a period of four years 2010-2014 has given negative parole recommendations to the PA Parole Board regarding parole for The Move 9. Seth Williams in fact stated that this would be a blatant disregard for the law if the Move 9 were to be paroled.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Update on Debbie's Hearing

As of now, we are under the impression that Debbie's hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 13th.  On the 29th anniversary of State and City Officials outright blatant murder of 11 Move men, women, and children the parole board has decided to give Debbie her hearing.

On May 12th and May 13th, we are calling for people to Occupy the Phone Lines of the PA Parole Board in support of Parole For Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307. Call the PA Parole Board at (717) 772-4343 and Demand Parole for Our Sister. Talking points are here.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Start Making Your Calls

Ona Move Everyone !

It was brought to our attention that Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 was notified in late April that she might have an early parole hearing.  We find this to be very strange because Debbie's hearing wasn't set until some time in late May.  

The Parole Board may be giving Debbie an early hearing to divert supporters and sweep what they do under the rug. They are under a tremendous amount of pressure over the issue of The Move 9 and Parole and now they are trying to push their illegal denials of Move people under the radar and out the eyes of the general public. We are not fools and we see exactly what these legalized misfits are up to.

Since it takes a few weeks to a month for the Board to make an official decision after a parole hearing, we need people to start flooding the phone lines of The PA Parole Board and demand parole for Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307. We need The lines flooded for the next three days including the weekend when they are closed. Leave a message on their voicemail in regards to Debbie getting parole. The PA Parole Board can be reached at (717) 772-4343 24 hours a day seven days a week whether it's a live person or a voicemail.

It's clear that The PA Parole Board has been monitoring our actions and is trying it's best to stay a step ahead of us. Our National Solidarity Week for Debbie is still set for May 5th thru May 9th. For people to call The Parole Board in support of Debbie, but due to the situation we are calling now to hold these misfits accountable for what they are trying to do. 

let's get ona move everyone.

Ona Move 

Orie, Mona, Ann, Illy, Margie

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Debbie Africa Parole Solidarity Week

Ona Move Everybody !

First, we would just like to thank all the people who took the time to write 
letters in support of Parole for Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307.  We are upping the ante in this parole campaign and intend to keep the Pressure on the PA Parole Board until Debbie and the rest of the Move 9 are released from prison.

Since 2008 The Parole Board has played continuous games with the lives and release of our family. Well, Enough is Enough! The games are now over.

We are officially announcing Debbie Africa Solidarity Week which will 
be taking place May 5th thru May 9th. It's this simple: We are asking that
during that week people call the PA Parole Board at (717) 772-4343
and demand the immediate parole of Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307. Here 
are some key points that you can make when you call in.

(1) Has received a positive recommendation from both the Warden and Superintendent of her prison for parole.

(2) Debbie has employment and housing both set up for her if she is paroled.

(3) Debbie has an excellent prison conduct record.

These are just some of the points that people can make.
So don't forget to make those calls at (717) 772-4343.

Ona Move 

Orie, Mona, Ann, Illy, and Margie

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sample letter for Debbie's Parole

Please either write a parole support letter for Debbie in your own words, or right-click on the sample letter below to download and print.  Just add your name and address in the upper right corner and signature at the bottom.  Even though the letter is addressed to the Parole Board, send your letter to The Move Organization at P.O. Box 19709, Philadelphia, PA 19143 so they can be collected before they are passed on to the Board. 
Please make sure your letter arrives by May 4th.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thank You

Hey we just wanted to send out a special thank you to all of the people who took the time out to read The Move 9 Chronicles. We would like to thank the the different people in France who read and reported the info, our supporters in Mexico City and here in the states who reported our info, our good friends from The NYC Coalition to Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition and NYC Jericho as well. We couldn't write this without acknowledging sister Margie from South Brooklyn ABCF for The wonderful pieces that she contributed on her recent visits with Chuck and Mike Africa.

By reading the Chronicles, people can see why we feel the way we do about The Move 9 and why we are fighting so hard to bring them home. So don't forget to make your calls to the PA Parole Board every Monday to demand the release of The Move 9. You can reach the PA Parole Board at (717) 772-4343. Call get involved and get ona move for The Move 9.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I remember brief things from when I was younger like driving up to the prisons to see our family, or playing in a large plain room with my sisters and brothers. The small chats and the story telling of the old and new days. The picture sharing, and the 'y'all growing up so fast! When we come home y'all gonna be bigger than us.'

The feeling I most remember was leaving my family in a cold harsh, unfair place, knowing damn well this system put them away because they stood up for life. They spoke the truth to the fullest, you can't find one person in the world who deep down doesn't think our belief isn't true.  MOVE LAW IS VERY POWERFUL BASED ON MOTHER NATURE GOD.

JOHN AFRICA teaches us that LIFE is the priority. Nothing is more important than, or as important as life. The force that keeps us alive. All LIFE comes from one source from GOD, MOTHER NATURE, MAMA. Each individual life is dependent on every other life, and all life has a purpose, So all living beings, things that move, are equally important whether they are human beings, dogs, cats, birds, trees, ants, weeds, rivers, winds and rain.

It's all life and it's important but the system sees it as if humans are better than a tree, better than a panda, dog, cat, and any other form of life. After a while, they began saying that one race is better than the other! Hate surrounds us every day in this horrible society we live in. When you go outside, you're welcomed with menacing stares and evil looks. Kids can't be welcomed by other kids if their skin or clothes are different. It's like you're put on a platform and judged over and over again.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

My Move Brothers and Sisters

Ona Move

I wanna tell you how much Move members in prison have influenced my life. Between the Move members stuck in prison still fighting to get out and the Move members out here, fighting to free our brothers and sisters, every one of them has had a lasting effect on me. There are no words that can really express my feelings; I want you to know that, but I'll try by telling you this story. I always wanted to express my love and loyalty to my family in prison all across PA. I remember crying when I was trying to convince a man I thought was my father of the importance of the Move family locked in those prisons, trying to make him understand how much I loved them and how bad things he was doing was hurting them and not helping them to come home.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Phil Africa


Phil Africa’s example pushes me to work hard and never ever give up, to never stop fighting for JOHN AFRICA’s belief which teaches us to always fight for life no matter how big or small the situation.  LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!  On August 8, 1978, Phil Africa stood up for not only the MOVE family but for all life’s family!  All life have to drink clean water, not chemicals; breathe fresh air, not pollution; grow food in clean fresh dirt, not poison.  Phil put out strong information about animal abuse and demonstrated against the enslavement and persecution of all life. Phil Africa is always passing down the Teaching of JOHN AFRICA and he explained to me how serious it is being a MOVE member, how important it is to people all over the world to show them how to free themselves from this wicked, rotten-ass, reform system.  Phil was also telling us how we must be the protectors and voice for all living things who cannot speak for themselves.  And to this day, 36 years later, Phil Africa is still fighting for what’s right, without compromise.  LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!  Phil’s example of consistent loyalty motivates me to keep fighting this rotten-ass reform system.  The MOVE 9 are innocent; MOVE don’t believe in nothing invented by this reform system, the government, military, industry, which is why this system wants to stop us from exposing their corrupt ass, even if they have to kill us.  TO QUOTE JOHN AFRICATHE COORDINATOR, "THE MOVE ORGANIZATION AIN’T JUST A THING YOU JUDGES AND COPS CAN SEE, THE POWER OF MOVE IS THE FORCE YOU CAN’T SEE…" - JOHN AFRICA.

Josh Africa

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chuck Africa


My name is Brian Africa, and I’m inspired by Chucky Africa and all MOVE members in prison because of the strong example they set, never 
backin' down from this stagnated system after all these years (36) in prison.  This rotten system will never stop MOVE because they can’t stop life; life is MOVE’s ally, our Belief.  LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!  In 1977, Rizzo told the world he was going to, “drag MOVE out the house by the scruff of they neck” and MOVE wouldn’t back down.  When the house was surrounded by hundreds of armed cops, MOVE still wouldn’t back down.  MOVE kept putting out the truth, they wouldn’t stop!  36 years later MOVE is still in prison, still putting out the truth, still fighting for what’s right and that example inspires me to keep fightin' this rotten corrupt system.


Brian Africa

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Youth Continue On

Ona MOVE. My name is Will Africa.  The example I’ve seen in Chuck Africa in 1977 and 1978, when he was up on that platform of MOVE HQs putting out the truth at 17 years old, exposin' the brutality in cops, the prejudice in government, not bein' scared of the news media, speakin' JOHN AFRICA’s Guidelines so clear and strong is what inspired me.  The MOVE 9 fights consistently, no matter what this reform system comes at them with, that’s the power of JOHN AFRICA!  

Will Africa

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Janine Africa


The biggest amongst many of the things that motivates me about Janine Africa is her fight to never give up even though this government put her in prison unjustly, the 
fight to not back down when those cops are at her neck the fight to keep putting out information, like speaking on radio shows about JOHN AFRICA’S teaching, writing, & guidelines - even though this system put her in prison with the rest of the MOVE 9 to try to silence them so they cannot continue to speak the truth and continue exposing this system and letting society know exactly what they are dealing with when they are presented with false hope like this government.  The fight and strong example is only one of the long list of things that inspire me about Janine Africa.  


-Tyrell Africa

Monday, March 17, 2014

Delbert Africa

Delbert (Del) immediately before he was beaten by police.
Ona move Del, I just wanted write you to let you know much you have inspired me over the years. Through your strong, consistent example you have taught me to stay strong and never let the system beat me down. LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA! The example that you and the rest of my Move family set on August 8th was very impressive and taught me how important it is to always honor the grip of the family. You are always there for me as a brother; even though I don't see you everyday I still know that I can always count on you and talk to you about my problems, and you always give me encouragement and direction. Damn, Del, that's a strong example how the cops were trying to beat you and kill on August 8th, but they ended up being the ones who were defeated. And even when they were throwing all of that tear gas in there at y'all and they might have blurred your physical vision, mentally your vision is clearer then theirs will ever be because you're fighting for life and they're going against life. LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA.

Ona move,
Chad Africa

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Janet Africa

Ona move, Janet.  LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA. I haven't talked to you in a while, so I just wanted to write you a letter to catch up and see how you're doing. I know you're doing good and staying strong as always.  You might have your ups and downs like the rest of us, but you always manage to stay strong and never lose focus of what's really important and that is: to always put John Africa, our belief first.  Something that stands out about you to me is how you never let things that the system tries to throw at you get in the way of you doing your work. Even on August 8th, with 10,000 rounds of ammunition being shot at y'all, you made it out alive and stronger then ever and that is because your mind was on life and as long as you have your mind on life and what's right big mama will always protect you. Even though physically you're in imprisoned, you're still free because Move only believes in freedom; therefore you are more free than those guards who are keeping you in there.  Their body might be "free," but their mind has gotten a life sentence. Ona move, Janet.  I love you and look forward to seeing you soon, stay strong and always remember to honor the grip of the family. LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA

Love always,
Maria Africa

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Move Youth Speak on the Move 9

On The MOVE.
I love and miss my grandmother and I am working to help get her out of prison because I want to be able to see her whenever I want to see her and not have to see her when the system say I can.  I want to see her when I say I can.  I don’t want to go through a metal detector or take a long drive to see her.  I want her to be able to come to my house and see me, my brothers and sisters run in our backyard and go to the park.  But we can’t because this system is scared of how strong she is.  They’re scared she will make other people want to be strong like her and follow her example and start doing what’s right.  She’s working to stop this system from polluting the air, the water, and all the animals that live in the water, on the earth and fly in the sky.  She’s still stopping the system because she did not give up and I am following her example to keep fighting.  She’s still fighting just like she was on the platform using the bullhorn, putting out strong MOVE Law, exposing wrong.  After 36 years, Debbie is still fighting for all life.  Just because they put her in prison don’t mean she’ll give up, it means she’ll fight even harder.  
My name is Alex Africa and my grandmother is Debbie Africa.
Free The MOVE 9

Thursday, March 13, 2014

We Love You Merle, You Will Live Forever

This is an article dedicated to Merle Africa written by the Move family in 1998

Today Marks 16 years since Merle Africa died under mysterious circumstances in The State Correctional Institution in Cambridge Springs PA. Let's celebrate the life of Merle by picking up the work to fight this rotten ass system.

Merle Africa a revolutionary solider who was killed by this murderous ass reform world system. On March 13th 1998, Merle Africa was forced to die at the hands of this government, punished for a crime she didn't commit, the accusation of murder of a cop on Aug, 8th 1978, yet this system literally kills people everyday and gets away with it. On May 13th 1985, this system's politicians, headed by Wilson Goode murdered 11 of our innocent family members, 5 of them children and ain't a one of them murderous cantankerous misfits were even charged with 11 counts of murder let alone punished for it. Merle, as all innocent Move people, knows the love of life and the protection that comes with it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New piece by Mumia for the Move 9 Chronicles

Anti-Move Propoganda 2.0 (3:16) by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Eddie Africa

My brother, Eddie Africa, is a strong MOVE member that follows the teaching of JOHN AFRICA. Not only does he always talk to and encourage me to be strong but he also sets a strong example for me to follow.  Whenever I see Eddie or talk to him on the phone, he is never sad or unhappy, even after being imprisoned for 36 years for something he didn’t do, and if he’s asked, he will tell you it’s because he understands it is not just him and his family that have been wronged by this rotten system, it is all life-women, babies, and animals in zoos & lab cages.  Eddie tells us that JOHN AFRICA teaches that all life is a victim of this system and that’s why it’s so important to stop it!
LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!  Eddie is always telling us that JOHN AFRICA taught him that real happiness, real freedom doesn’t come from this reform system, it comes from our belief in life, what’s real.  That’s a good example for me to follow in a brother, and that is why this system is so threatened by the MOVE 9.  This is one of the reasons why they don’t want to let our brothers and sisters out of jail, because they will be an even stronger influence on us than they are now! LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!

Raymond Africa

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Move 9 and their Impact on Me

Ona Move

I was asked recently to contribute a piece on the Move 9 for the chronicles and the impact they have had on my life. It's hard for me to talk about my brothers and sisters on a personal level and then share it on a public level. It's touchy for me but this is for their freedom so here it goes. For 36 years now, my brothers and sisters have set a strong revolutionary example in Pennsylvania prisons. They have been unjustly imprisoned all these years, and have not a one of them ever turned traitor to their belief in the teachings of JOHN AFRICA. Now that is impressive.

Despite all of their legal appeals being exhausted, despite some of them having their babies murdered by this system on May 13th 1985, despite periods of solitary - none of them have been broken. They are in the prisons teaching about JOHN AFRICA'S  REVOLUTION. They are helping inmates to get off drugs, they are helping mothers and fathers establish relationships with their children on the outside. It's impressive when you visit, cause I know that there will be times when I go up to visit them I might be depressed or going through things and they will be spending time on a visit helping me pull myself together and motivating me.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Young Supporter from VA on the Move 9

It’s hard to express the individual beauties and personality of those who comprise a group. Though they are unified in belief and struggle, each one of them: Eddie, Janine, Janet, Mike, Chuck, Delbert, Phil, Debbie, and Merle have distinct personalities, interests, and endearing traits. Phil has the personality of an inspirational speaker; high energy, bright smile, quick speech, and resilience. He is a beautiful painter and his letters are always filled with sage advice. Delbert is calm and considered, but can be firm and direct at a moment’s notice. He has a subtle sense of humor and a great laugh. Eddie can light up a room just by entering. He has the presence and strut of a Motown singer, the concern of the best minister, and an incredible humility. Debbie has a bright smile, a great laugh, and a wise, confident vibe. Seeing her give her grandchildren piggyback rides in the prison visiting room was both heart breaking and beautiful. Mike has a calm, reserved manner, and seems to be taking in everything around him. He is deliberate with his speech and considerate. Janet has the energy of a gymnast and is passionate in conversing about so many things. She is the type of person you feel you can talk to about anything. Janine is kind, funny, and serious all at the same time. She listens patiently and is so thoughtful in her advice. Chuck is witty, sharp, and fiery. Chuck intimidated the hell out of me the first time I met him. Coming from a white, suburban background I mistook his passion and protectiveness for something else. Chuck loves to debate about history, music, pretty much anything. I have great regrets that I never had the chance to meet Merle. I've heard she was amazing. The fact that she died in prison serving an unjust sentence is a tragedy. One way to try to rectify the injustice of Merle dying in prison is to work for the release of her brothers and sisters. It's heartbreaking to think about how long this injustice has persisted. Their fate rests firmly on the decisions of the Pennsylvania parole board.

Please join in to add to the pressure to release the MOVE 9. These are truly amazing, kind-hearted people that deserve to be free!

Friday, March 7, 2014

My First Visit with Chuck Africa

We knew going into this that Chuck would be energetic and fun, but we were way more impressed than imaginable! When we walked through the gate and into the room, Chuck was there to greet us, and we wasted no time getting to know each other. Right off the start, Chuck floods the room with his excitement and aspiration. In no time at all, you'll find yourself sharing stories and laughing.

His brothers explain that back in the day, he was one of the best boxers (if not the best) in the state. There used to be more athletic programs in the PA DOC, boxing being a popular one, but the vast majority of all kinds of programing have been cut seemingly to save money. One of Chuck's signature boxing characteristics was that he would simply not stop punching. It was his persistence, stamina and energy that often led him to prevail in a match. Chuck maintained his boxing skills in prison until the program shut down, but Chuck is still a fighter. All of the MOVE men would participate in boxing, as it was also something they did prior to going to prison. It was a good way for them to stay healthy and see each other at occasional competitions. “Phil always had nice straight punches,” and “Delbert was the master of knock out hits,” Chuck recalls. Boxing, requires discipline, both physically and mentally, and sometimes simple patience. He loves it!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Getting To Know Mike Africa Sr

Mike Sr. and Mike Jr.
Mike is an incredibly sharp individual. His intellectual capacity is downright impressive! He plays guitar and pursues higher education.  Mike works in the kitchen at Graterford, where he has access to a raw vegetables and maintains a vegan diet. His Move brothers explain that he was a great boxer, but always the best runner. They also compliment his academics.  Chuck laughs as he reminisces about Mike diligently washing the salt off of his peanuts before eating them, preferring them in their more natural state.

When I first entered the visiting room, I had not seen a picture of Mike since 1978. However, the heart-warming, genuine smile that beamed in my direction brought me straight to him! Of course I asked just to make sure, but I knew it was him. The room was packed and noisy, and made it hard to hear each other. By no means did this stop us from engaging.

Mike has been paying attention to anti-GMO organizing and the war on Monsanto. We discussed GMOs and the corporate sales pitch of labeling items “organic.” It's hard to understand the consumer's logic in trusting a corporate note that the product is certified organic. When explaining that organic means no additives, it was made clear that even without intentional additives, the essentials are toxified in consistency from additives generated by airplanes, cellular radiation, chemical spillages, and day-to-day human-generated garbage that poison the air, water and soil almost everywhere. Everything that grows on it, grows with these additives. Nothing anymore can be truly natural, as the “certified organic” label is supposed to indicate. It's essentially just another sales pitch.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

International Support For The Move 9


I first visited the MOVE sisters years ago, in 1995, the year of Mumia's PCRA... and his unexpected first stay of execution, a victory of the people against judge Sabo's dreadful rule and weeks of intense emotion and international solidarity in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.

I had read about the sisters in the local Philadelphia press and learnt how their babies had been killed by the Philadelphia police, how Mike junior was born in jail after the MOVE house was attacked by the police on August 8, 1978, how Delbert Africa had almost been beaten to death by the cops, how the members of the family who had survived police brutality were bombed on May 13, 1985.

I had read a lot, but the day I met the sisters was a turning point in my life and my commitment to the family. I visited them with Pam and Mona and the family which meant a full night drive in the truck, a quick breakfast at the local coffee-shop in Cambridge Springs and briefly getting into clean clothes; then it was the final drive to the State Correction Institution for women, as they say in America (we just say 'prison' here) which is a former College, a shock for a French visitor - we still abide by Victor Hugo's saying, : 'Build a school and you will close a prison'.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

More and More People Moved by the Move 9

Hi, my name is Gary & I have been writing & visiting the MOVE 9 since 1980. I was drawn to the MOVE 9 for the opposite reason that the system was perpetuating. Through the 70's, those living in the Philly area were bombarded, often daily from the media, that MOVE was: wild, crazy, & violent radicals. Blatently, the system's goal was to discourage people from getting interested in MOVE & to be able to eradicate MOVE without public outcry. I came from a boring, white middle class upbringing, & the MOVE 9's trial intrigued me for excitement, to see this "wild" courtroom behavior by MOVE. 

When I went, they were nothing as portrayed & I left disappointed. Several months later, I thought I would try again, & this time, there were a group of supporters to join in with, & that's just what I did - forever. I still remember the thrill of being told I could visit the MOVE 9 in prison! To this day, the MOVE 9 are still thrilling me with each visit & letter received from them. The most remarkable thing about a prison visit, is that when leaving, us visitors remark that the MOVE 9 were so light, positive, & most of all - FREE! Before knowing the MOVE 9, my life was empty with drugs, alcohol, & whatever the System has to offer, so I have to give all thanks to the MOVE 9!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

People From All Over Influenced by the Move 9

Hard-earned wisdom and hard-won strength: the MOVE 9

We're comparing notes on our gardens. Janet Africa tilled her soil with a plastic snow shovel. I envision trying to grow with a kid's sand kit for the beach. My husband and I had the entire arsenal of his tools from a small landscaping business when we planted this spring: plows, pick axes, rakes. And even still, I'd get tired and claim I had to go inside and return an email.

Janet is tiny and giggly. Despite her sweetness, her warm brown eyes, her engaging way, there is a ferocity. These aren't incompatible traits. They stand alongside one another. She's strong and tested. She knows what she's capable of. Growing food, tending soil and plant life with shoddy tools is a small hiccup.

And that's the way with the MOVE 9. Publicly, they're known as a family who didn't back down against the brutality and aggression of the city of Philadelphia. After withstanding an urban battle, largely unprecedented in the 20th century, they went on to receive sentences of 30-100 years each for the death of one police officer. The evidence presented at trial was flimsy and since that time the city of Philadelphia claims to have lost the majority of this evidence. In 1985, members of the MOVE 9 learned from prison guards that some of their children and partners had been killed when a bomb was dropped on the MOVE Organization.

They were on hunger strikes for over forty days the same year that protest killed Bobby Sands. They counseled other inmates, and even guards, to fortify them against the cruelty and isolation of prison. They saw some of their children raised by estranged family members.

Move Supporters on the Move 9

It has been said in the past many times that people who support MOVE and Mumia are misled or naïve. I have been accused of possessing a laundry list of flaws from anti-American to psychologically feeble to sociopathic. People who spend their time looking at MOVE supporters and judging them will never accept that there is anything wrong with the way they look at MOVE or anyone who is not engaged in their way of life and thinking.
What makes a person who and what they are? When do you become responsible?
So many experiences brought me to the point where I could wrap my head around what John Africa teaches that there is no brief explanation. I just want people to know that I take full responsibility. With full possession of my faculties I have made my choice to believe in MOVE law and MOVE’s version and Mumia’s version of events. I have done my research and now I have no agenda other than to support their freedom.
During the Olympics the news was happy to place the focus on Russia’s human rights abuses. Here in the U.S.A human rights oppression is part of everyday life. This is a colonial power that knowingly and pathologically committed the genocide of millions of Native Indigenous people at the same time as using SLAVES to cement their empire and political control. The European colonies imported people who would be happy to live in conditions better than what they had before and even gave them land and incentives to stay and raise families. The governments in control of colonial interests paid military professionals and pioneers to evict the Native Americans from their homes and quickly replaced them with immigrants to make sure land was never left vacant for their return.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Welcome to the Move 9 Chronicles

Ona Move Everybody!

Welcome and thank you for joining us for day one of The Move 9 Chronicles.

What we intend to do with The Move 9 Chronicles is to introduce people to the Move 9 on a more personal level. Most people may know about The Move 9 or know their names but we really wanna show people who they are and why they mean so much to us and why we are working so hard to bring them home.

For the next 31 days, we will have daily posts by people who have visited the Move 9, who have written the Move 9 and whose lives have been influenced by the strong revolutionary example of the Move 9. We can use the good feeling from this blog to keep the pressure on the PA Parole
Board when we call on Mondays to demand the rightful release of the Move 9.

People can reach the PA Parole Board at (717) 772-4343.

Call and demand The Release of The Move 9. Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the next 31 days of The Move 9 Chronicles.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Black History Two (re Move) by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Black History 2
[col. writ. 2/14/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal

In our last article, I noted the dearth of knowledge about Black History, especially by the young.

For those who've lived through certain periods of Black life, they know what they know, even if only filtered through the lens of a media that is the handmaiden of white power.

A generation of so later, and these events fall down the rabbit hole of forgetfulness, and are soon gone.

It’s not taught in school, so new generations grow into adulthood virtually ignorant of that past of conflict and struggle.

The original MOVE confrontation, which flared during 1977 and 1978 in Philadelphia, involving weapons fire, water cannons, wrecking cranes and vicious beatings, also resulted in the imprisonment of 9 men and women from MOVE, called the MOVE 9.

That was 36 years ago.

Jimmy Carter was president. Muhammad Ali had both lost (to Leon Spinks) and regained his heavyweight championship belt.

And the MOVE 9 were sentenced to 30-to-100 years for 3rd degree murder –exceeding every other such sentence in modern Pennsylvania history.

Most who have examined this case noted that although none of the women had weapons charges, all of them received the same sentence as the men.

But guess what? All of the men didn’t receive weapons charges!

Like Eddie Africa.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Move 9 Chronicles

Ona Move Everybody!

We are planning to take this parole campaign for The Move 9 to the next level. On March 1st 2014, The Move 9 Chronicles will be making its debut on this blog. We are dedicating the month of march  to really personalize the Move 9 and introduce them to people all over the world. Everyday there will be a different post from some one who has visited the Move 9. There will be stories of people whose lives have been influenced by The Move 9. This system and it's officials can make up what ever lie they may want to about the Move 9, but the bottom line is it's not going to stick.

People from all over the world are starting to support The Move 9 and it's only gonna magnify.

So please check out this blog for all 31 days of March to help free The Move 9!

Monday, January 27, 2014

NYC Film Showing: February 12th feat. Ramona Africa

This event will likely also feature a call from Delbert Africa.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Move 9 Monday's Continues This Monday 1/27

Ona Move Everybody!

Just wanted to touch base with people to update them about where things are at with The Justice and Accountability Campaign. We just wrapped up our 12th and last radio show this past week for Move 9 media month where we did shows across the country which featured our sister and Move Political Prisoner Janine Africa. We did shows in NYC, Philly, Greensboro NC, Delaware, Atl, and other cities where the issue of the PA Parole Board and The Move 9 was addressed. Thank you again to all of the radio show hosts that hosted us.

The PA Parole Board is under a tremendous amount of pressure over the issue of The Move 9. People from all over the world are calling the parole board on Monday's questioning them over the illegal and biased parole denials of the Move 9. We are winning but we gotta stay consistent and keep the pressure on. So don't forget to make those calls this Monday 1/27. You can reach the parole board at (717) 772-4343. Call and demand the release of Move Political Prisoners and also question them about these key issues at hand:

(1) Why are Randy Feathers and Lloyd White two former police officers sitting over the parole hearings of a case that revolves around the frame up and murder of a police officer? This is a clear conflict of interest in these hearings.

(2) At least seven of the eight remaining move members in prison have all been recommended for parole by the wardens of their institutions and all of them have employment and housing set up for them when they are released. Despite all of this why is the parole board only focusing on the issue of the nature of the crime?

These are two key points to use. Also we want people to post their feed back on their calls to the comment box on the blog and also if they won't let you speak to any members of the board leave a message for them with your phone number and let us know if you got a call back and a response.

The PA Parole Board Can Be Reached At (717) 772-4343

Ona Move

Orie, Margie, Illy, and Mona

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Newark, NJ stands in support of The Move 9


Tonight, January 23rd, the New Black Panther Party’s national minister of culture Baba Zayid Muhammad will appear on WBAI 99.5FM ‘Education at the Crossroads’ at 7pm!

He will be joined by Ras Baraka, Sharon Smith and Annette Alston of the Newark Teachers Association. They will address the crisis in Newark schools as the community attempts to stop the school closures initiated by the polarizing state controlled schools czar Cami Anderson, the unnerving gun violence epidemic and an appreciation of global Newark legend, the late Amiri Baraka.

“I am humbled beyond on words to be asked to be on “Education at the Crossroads,” hosted by a man who is a legend in his own right, Basir Mchawi,” said Muhammad who is doubling now as media advocate for the bold Newark Anti-Violence Coalition. “I just wish we talking about something more positive, but make no mistake about it, this city (referring to Newark) is absolutely under siege,” he finished.


On Tuesday, January 28th, the New Black Panther Party will host the first of six monthly showings of what they are calling their “Black Power Film Series” with a special showing of the film ‘MOVE: Confrontation in Philadelphia,’ a film that captures the story of the 1978 police onslaught of the MOVE Organization and family.
The showings will all be at the REFAL Center (271 S. 9th Street, between S. Orange and 13th Avenues) on every fourth Tuesday. Doors open at 6:30pm.

A Philadelphia police officer James Ramp was killed in this massive armed onslaught by what clearly appears to have been ‘friendly fire.’ It also captures the savage police beating of Delbert Africa, upon his surrender. The surviving MOVE targets were all charged with Ramp’s death and are still in prison serving sentences of 30 years to life each.
The film showing is part of a national campaign to secure the release of the MOVE political prisoners on parole, and will feature area MOVE spokesman Orie Lumumba.

There is no admission for the meetings or for the showings. Donations will be requested.