Friday, February 13, 2015

Eddie Africa on the life of Phil Africa

Opening Quote From Strategic Revolution

Quote JOHN  AFRICA Move is STRONG  WILLED , CLEAR VISIONED , ONE MINDED true in dedication , Move don't STAGGER , WAIVER, STUMBLE or FALL SHORT  with THE MOVE ORG . A step FORWARD is s step GAINED and a step LOST for the SYSTEM . Because  The Move Organization will not take a step backward, our aim is Revolution, our trust is MOMMA , our DRIVE is CONSISTENCY , our TARGET  THIS SYSTEM  and we will NOT BE STOPPED for we have the COURAGE OF LIFE ,THE UNDERSTANDING  of TRUE LAW and THE POWER OF GOD IN BOTH FISTS .



I am at mahanoy prison now and Phil's friends here are many , they give me their thoughts of sorrow about Phil and I understand , I will miss my brother but I still feel his presence next to me. I can look at UJU , his son and see Phil , I can look at Neen and see Phil  Delbert, Janet Debbie, Mike, Mona , Carlos, Ria , Bert, Zack, Mary, Mo, Theresa , Chad,  Maria , All MOVE Children. Gary , Maiga , Kevin, Fred, Abdul , Mumia , Orie all our friends and supporters as Phil was taught to revere family life wherever whoever it was without prejudicial categorization Phil's example is a good one .  I remember some of our talks about love and marriage and he would talk of neen with a smile on his face and a clear bond of love in his eyes as he thought about her , he is a good example of a loving husband , he is not perfect but he strived for it as we all do, his friends are many , prisoners and staff , they gravitated to him, some of them not understanding why as the stories told about us were supposed to turn folks against us but the lies that are told don't match MOVE'S behavior how we really are in person.

Eddie and Phil AFRICA were at CAMP HILL together for years and go back forty years together .

On The Move

My brother Phil Africa is a good man , a father, husband , brother , a good solider . I sit here thinking of him and I'm smiling , I can hear his voice , see his laugh ,and it touches me in a good way , The memories of our brother are countless and I think of them a lot even before he moved on to Momma's  cycle , at times I would lean on him to get past some particular problem he would give me MOVE LAW to make me strong and a smile to show his love . We spent a lot of time and instead of feeling down about him I will use his life to strengthen mine I think of our family and friends and I know we will be alright . I love you Phil now and forever as the bond of family is on going


Quote This system can never break the family that generate in Move People they can only stretch it, for however faint the connection until the connection is broken . We are  still connected and because it is impossible to break the connection of Move People they can say they have broken The MOVE FAMILY 'S connection but  that is like sayin that the earth's connection to the sun is broken just because you see it as cloudy .  End Quote





Your Brother For Life

Eddie Africa

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