It is expected that during the month of June 2016 The Pennsylvania Parole Board will release a decision in regards to whether The Move 9 Sisters will be granted or denied parole . Really this Government has already made the decision in regards to parole for our sisters and they are now stalling to release the decision due to the pressure they have on them in regards to the unjust and continuing imprisonment of MOVE Political Prisoners . We have to keep the Pressure on The Pa Parole Board And Pa Governor Tom Wolf over this issue of our family being illegally denied parole . We are calling on all people interested In freedom and justice to stand in solidarity in demanding parole for The Move 9 Sisters this Thursday May 26th 2016 .
From 9:00 am to 12 Noon Call , Tweet , Fax , and Email The Office Of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf
(P) (717) 787-2500
(F) (717) 772-8284
(Email) page)
Twitter @ Governor Tom Wolf
From 1:00pm To 5:00pm Call or email The Pa Parole Board
(P) (717) 772-4343
The Demand is clear and has not changed we want the immediate parole of Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 , Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 , and Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307 .
This is a matter that we are not backing down from and will continue to make an issue of this and to keep the pressure on the Parole Board and Governor . Our sisters were never even charged with weapons charges when convicted in 1980. All three of our sisters were given the recommendation of their institution on various occasions at least 99 Percent of the time when an inmate is recommended for parole by the institution they are in they are paroled by the board but not when it comes to our sisters and brothers of The Move 9.
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign