Friday, February 7, 2020

Chuck Africa is out of prison; the MOVE 9 are all free!

The last held member of the Move 9, Chuck Africa, came home today! His post-release fundraiser is at Now that our family members are all home we will continue the struggle for justice until ALL ARE FREE. Long Live John Africa!

We started this Justice and Accountability Campaign many years ago to free our family members that were being held hostage by the PA Parole Board. Now that over the course of the last two years, they have all been released, we are signing off. We must not forget, that Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and long-term supporter of MOVE is still unjustly behind bars for a crime that he is factually innocent of. Please follow the campaign to free him at, on Instagram @mumiafreedombound, and Twitter @BringMumiaHome.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Ona Move! Delbert Africa is finally free!

Today we celebrate the returning home of our Brother Delbert Africa. Delbert walked out of SCI Dallas this morning strong and reunited with his family! Now we must get him the medical care he needs after so many years of medical neglect by the PA DOC. Donations are being collected through: