The Justice And Accountability Campaign is still in full swing and is still going strong . We have dedicated 2017 to exposing and working around the puny excuse that The Pennsylvania Parole Board has used to so called justify denying parole for MOVE members in prison . The Excuse the past four years has been in the words of The Pennsylvania Parole Board Parole Denial Reason cited The Risk To The Safety Of The Community At Large . Earlier This Month we talked on and exposed the character of Randy Feathers a former Board Member And Known Pedophile who resigned from The Pennsylvania Parole Board in the wake of the kiddie porn email scandal with disgraced now former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane .
This Will be an issue that we will continue to expose as time passes but in the meantime we want to talk further about The Fraternal Order Of Police and their connection to The Pa Parole Board . Since The Beginning of this campaign we have exposed the connection between Law Enforcement and their ties to The Parole Board Randy Feathers , And Lloyd White were both Former Police Officers that were not only on The Parole Board but voted against parole for The Move 9 . Leslie Grey Another Board Member with ties to Law Enforcement and who is still on The Board has voted against parole for The Move 9 . Which we have said from the beginning is a conflict of interest to have former police officers who are now parole board members voting over the hearing of inmates whose case revolves around the murder of a police officer .
On June 15th 2016 The Pennsylvania Senate Confirmed Mark D. Koch as the newest Member Of The Pennsylvania Parole Board . We just want to provide People with a little background information to who Mark D. Koch is and his VERY STRONG TIES to Law Enforcement . In 1980 Mr Koch started as a Police Officer with the Department Of Defense from their in 1998 Mr Koch was elected to The Board Of The Pennsylvania State Fraternal Order Of Police as their treasurer . In 2004 Mr Koch was elected to two terms as State President Of The Fraternal Of Police representing more than 40,000 law enforcement officers . After his two terms were completed he then went on to serve as Director Of Legislative Affairs For The Fraternal Order Of Police until 2012 and also included in his long storied resume of Law Enforcement is that Mr Koch is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State Police Northeast Municipal Police Officer Training Academy .
It has been clear for quite some time now the role of The Fraternal Order Of Police and not only their public outcry against any form of release for our political prisoners . You can look into the actions with The Fraternal Order Of Police In New Jersey and how they were able to work within the courts and have a court ordered parole release for one of our political prisoners overturned . Look at another political prisoner in the federal prison system who has been held twelve years now past his maximum release date due to the influence of a The Fraternal Order Of Police over The United States Justice Dept And The Department Of Homeland Security . New York State where not only does The Fraternal Order Of Police Lobby AGAINST parole for New York State political prisoners but in fact they have an active member who sits on The board In the form of Sally Thompson .
So this is nothing new it's just now being exposed to the public thru this campaign . In 2018 Delbert Africa , Edward Africa , Janine Africa, Debbie Africa , and Janet Africa will be making yet another appearance before the parole board . The issue of Mark D. Koch poses the strongest conflict of interest as per his background he is coming in with a vote against parole already decided against parole for our family . As we watch the Trump Administration put things in place for complete global dominance The Fraternal Order Of Police, The Pennsylvania Parole Board, and Philadelphia Officials have already set things in place to ensure that MOVE MEMBERS die in prison . All of this has occurred under the watchful eye of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf who has made hypocritical cries about their needing to be reform within The Parole Board yet he has watched The Fraternal Order Of Police time and time again be the decision maker with our families parole denials .
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign