Thursday, May 21, 2009

Articles on May 13, 1985, and the MOVE 9

Dr. Lenore Jean Daniels, a regular columnist for Black Commentator and News One has written two excellent new articles: Malcolm, the MOVE Family, and the Movement You Can Believe In and White Supremacy and Law & Order

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Eddie Africa of the MOVE 9 has been denied parole

Ramona just sent out this email:

ONAMOVE, Everybody! We were just informed that the parole has again issued the first of their decisions on the MOVE 9. They have denied parole to our brother,Eddie Africa., and given him a 2 year hit (meaning they will review him again for parole in 2 years). We will send more detailed information as to the specific excuse for the denial as we receive it. Take care and never stop resisting the insanity of this system----Ramona

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friends of MOVE Slovakia creates new resource page

Click here to check out the new site.

May 16, Philadelphia Rally to Free the MOVE 9

Saturday, May 16, 12-3, 11th & Market Streets, Philadelphia.
Contact:, 215 387 4107